
Designing & Implementing a 4-Bit ALU in MAGIC Layout


This is a project which demonstrates a 4-Bit ALU made in Magic Layout which was made as a part of the VLSI-Design course taken by me in the Monsoon 2023 Semester. The design is based on a 180nm technology.


The implementation can perform four important operations on two 4-Bit Numbers:

  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Comparator
  4. ANDing both numbers


The input from the user side are the two 4-Bit Numbers, which can be modified in the alu.ckt file. To make it easier for you, simply uncomment the lines corresponding to the operation you want to perform in the alu.ckt file both in the select lines section and in the plots section of the code to run that operation and see its plot.

Running the project

To run the project on your computer, you must have ngspice installed on your machine.

Clone the repo to your local machine and go to the directory.

Once done, run the following command in your terminal:

ngspice alu.ckt

If you wish to check out the circuit designed in MAGIC Layout, run the following in your terminal:

magic -T SCN6M_DEEP.09.tech27 alu.mag