Once we open source the code and if you want to refer to our work, please follow the Joint Institute’s honor code and don’t plagiarize these codes directly.
module instr_mem(instruction, read_addr, reset);
// define parameters, like word, byte.
// line means the size of memory.
parameter word = 32;
parameter byte = 8;
parameter line = 42;
// reset is used to initialize the instruction memory.
input reset;
input [word - 1:0] read_addr;
output [word - 1:0] instruction;
// define the instruction memory.
// 'instruction' is used for output.
reg [byte - 1:0] mem[4*line - 1:0];
reg [word - 1:0] instruction;
// Once 'reset' signal is set to 1, the instruction memory will be initialized.
always @ (reset) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
$readmemb("D:/JI/2020 fall/VE370 Intro to Computer Organization/Projects/P2/InstructionMem_for_P2_Demo.txt", mem);
// Once read address changes, instruction should change correspondingly.
always @ (read_addr) begin
instruction = {mem[read_addr], mem[read_addr + 1], mem[read_addr+2], mem[read_addr+3]};
- Plz avoid meaningless combination of letters like
when naming variables. Name of variable should be meaningful. - Plz try to put module parameters such as output variables in the front position.
- Plz add appropriate indentation and blank lines to your code.
- Plz add enough comments to help others understand your code.
Here are some simple instructions about how to use Git
- If you want to download the whole project, run following command.
git clone https://github.com/zzp1012/VE370-Project2.git
- If you want add files to our local git project and remote git project on
, run following command.
# Firstly, plz avoid adding files to master branch on github directly. You can create your own branch locally and remotely.
git branch zzp1012 # create my local branch. Here I name the branch as 'zzp1012'. If you have already created a branch, you can jump to next command.
git checkout zzp1012 # switch to 'zzp1012' branch.
git add * # add all the files to local branch 'zzp1012'.
git commit -m "update" # confirm to add files to local branch 'zzp1012'
git push origin zzp1012 # create branch 'zzp1012' remotely on github and copy your the content on your local branch 'zzp1012' to the remote 'zzp1012'.
- If you want to synchronize files on remote project on
, you should run:
git pull origin master # synchronize files on remote master branch.
git pull origin "you branch name" # the 'master' can be replaced by the name of the other branch created on remote project on github, then you can synchronize files on the specific remote branch.
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