A 3D-aware generative adversarial network (GAN) that synthesizes images of full-body humans with consistent appearances under different view-angles and body-poses.
- achuthasubhashGUNTUR , INDIA
- amadeuzou
- APeiZou
- coincrypter
- deanofthewebbInsight Data Science
- dexforintUSA
- DhlinVUniversity of California, Los Angeles
- eskalexia
- esmaeilinia
- fogside@readyplayerme
- ForrestPiXi’an Jiaotong University
- hpetruChisinau, Moldova
- Jl16ExA@ExaByte16
- jwilliamnGiscia Research Lab
- leesky1cShanghai AI Lab
- LeoXing1996
- linexjlinShanghai
- lpbarilHELPY Media
- microcompunics
- MIMNSI@SupersetLabs
- navono
- neka-natJAPAN
- olgaiv39Warsaw, Poland
- olgsfrt
- phil8192thr33 black crows
- rlczddl
- SaeedMasoumiRekab
- SlimeVRX
- sundeeptekisundeepteki.org/course
- tlxhlllZJU->UIC
- tonyabracadabraSTRING
- wovai
- xyIsHere
- YiChenCityUCity University HK
- yzhq97EPFL
- YzmblogTexas A&M University