
Receiving link frame position and orientation in simulation and real robot

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@alaurenzi, following the discusion in the previous issue I want to be able to subscribe to position and orientation of the centauro's links.

I suppose /gazebo/link_states topic is not suitable as on the real robot there will be no gazebo running.

Xbotcore publishes the desired data for pelvis and wheel_1 only (to topics/xbotcore/link_state/*). Can xbotcore (or other topic I may have passed by) provide this information for the other frames too?

If this info is not published in a topic yet, I suppose one way is to use /xbotcore/link_state/pelvis and then from TFs (receiving transformation between pelvis and the desired frame) find the position and orientation of the desired frame.

Here the problem is that the pose of the robot base link w.r.t. the world is not measurable. The link_state topics are only available in simulation, and provide the same data as gazebo/link_states. The "real" pose of any of the robot link w.r.t. the world can only be estimated by a suitable base pose estimation algorithm (with @EnricoMingo we are working on one). For any relative pose within the robot, TFs are the way to go.