Editable installation fails on Windows?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

pip3 install -ve git+\&subdirectory=python/sdist
seems to fail on Windows - see #2151 (comment)
Can any other Windows user reproduce that?

(Note: This might be more of a symlink issue than an editable install issue. Might be good to add some check for symlink support and a more helpful message if we are installing from anything else but a wheel or sdist.)

Hi, I tried running pip install -ve git+^&subdirectory=python/sdist on windows 10 and it fails due to the symbolic links:

raise ValueError(f"Directory '{source_dir}' does not exist")
  ValueError: Directory 'C:\Users\...\src\amici\python\sdist\amici\ThirdParty\SuiteSparse\SuiteSparse_config' does not exist
  error: subprocess-exited-with-error

I have enabled symbolic link handling on my windows, but with no success.

Hi @Podde1, I'm afraid I can't help much there as I don't have windows available. Does a regular
git clone
pip install -ve AMICI/python/sdist

work for you? That makes it easier to check whether those directories really exist.

Hi @dweindl, ye no worries! I just added that information if that was of importance in regards to the original question

Can any other Windows user reproduce that?

Thanks, yes, that's good to know.