
Transform twist by HomTransformMatrix

bastianhjaeger opened this issue · 1 comments

Quick question: Who do kindr transforms a twist.

I have some pose and twist in body frame and want to express/transfor it to another frame.

//body pose
kindr::HomTransformMatrixF body_p;
// body twist
kindr::TwistLinearVelocityGlobalAngularVelocityF body_v;

// init pose and twist here.

//transformation to camera position
kindr::HomTransformMatrixF body2cam;
kindr::HomTransformMatrixF poseInCameraFrame = body_p * body2cam; // this works

kindr::TwistLinearVelocityGlobalAngularVelocityF twistInCameraFrame = body_v * body2cam; // this does NOT work.

How do I write the transformation from a twist from one to another frame???

you have to add an additional velocity component induced by the transformation,