Pinned issues
- 0
error while building with .cradlew build
#433 opened by xandersalarie - 2
Question: runClient
#432 opened by abysschroma - 0
Explosion bugs, Is the mod still in development?
#431 opened by artar787 - 4
[Bug]Flamethrower turrets lags in multiplayer
#403 opened by MiniRaptor - 5
Missile causes massive frame drop on server
#408 opened by ItsAslan - 0
Question: How do you get Cadmium Powder
#430 opened by atomic-slav69 - 1
Shackles Kill u using radiation
#429 opened by OppaiHacker - 0
cubic chunks support
#428 opened by Flusak1235 - 0
- 0
Missiles get stuck mid flight when entering unloaded chunks (some of the time)
#425 opened by Stimmer02 - 0
HBM causing Cascading worldgen lag
#424 opened by VanLabyrinth - 0
Turrets Don't Follow Progression
#423 opened by TehDrpStr - 1
Issu with build form the GIT
#419 opened by juciom - 3
Unable to open stoneblock 2 with hbm's ntm.
#422 opened by BellTheDawg - 1
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Do pink logs even spawn?
#420 opened by tooopt - 2
PLEASEE add the assembly factory
#418 opened by ecstxasy - 2
Bug: Particles don't render over water or any liquid including HBM's Sellafite Liquid
#417 opened by chilletize - 0
Help idk what the hell is going on with my textures
#416 opened by ZiqL - 2
#415 opened by NightmareLeyend - 1
Cascading worldgen lag can crash server
#397 opened by leonpano2006 - 0
Translation keys not using the modid, causes a lot of incompatibility between mods
#414 opened by Boiber - 1
Industrial Generator temp gauge rises, burns fuel, and makes pollution even when off
#410 opened by Polybius223 - 3
Is there a way to get healed from mku?
#406 opened by SirFr0zzy - 1
- 2
Excavator not mining correct bedrock ore
#412 opened by kartoon260 - 0
Excavator not mining correct bedrock ore
#411 opened by kartoon260 - 7
hbm gun conflict with immersive combat
#407 opened by Gerald4567 - 0
Radio Station Does not Spawn
#409 opened by ItsAslan - 3
Bug: Antischrabidium fields \ b92 shots damage issue
#404 opened by DNIWE041 - 0
Crash during takeoff of an asteroid mining ship
#405 opened by aloyen07 - 3
[Suggestion] Infinity Oil Deposits config option
#401 opened by MiniRaptor - 0
How to change nuclear explosion sound?
#402 opened by Sel323 - 0
[Suggestion] Fusion Core Crafting
#400 opened by MiniRaptor - 0
Watz integer truncation error
#398 opened by Shirhix - 1
WorldGen Cascading lag results in OutOfMemory
#396 opened by I2pRandom - 1
Maybe texture missing?
#395 opened by normanzhou1 - 0
Bullet Persistence after unload
#394 opened by TH3R34LP3NGU - 0
My console is constantly writing this:
#393 opened by Goldnasher - 0
Steel tank does not fill empty buckets.
#392 opened by michlbro - 0
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Clients near most missiles in flight recieve error log spam on a dedicated server
#388 opened by nyan-mining - 0
Oil derrick causes game to crash, server to freeze
#387 opened by fav-sheppe - 1
An issue with the nukes
#386 opened by artar787 - 1
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Chlorophyte Is Far Too Rare
#383 opened by SolsticeUnlimitd - 0
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bobmazon advanment render error
#381 opened by blue-bird1 - 1
Auto ejecting machines put items in black/white list inventory of conveyor ejector
#380 opened by WebmasterAnonymail - 2
Doors not opening
#379 opened by HawkDevelopment