
Read UBX M8P-2 and publish RTCM messages for mavros from ROS

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

ROS RTK node for UBX M8P GPS base station

Due to the lack of hardware available to me, this project goes unmaintained.

This node is made to work with Mavros's RTK plugin: https://github.com/mavlink/mavros/blob/ros2/mavros_extras/src/plugins/gps_rtk.cpp


mkdir -p $HOME/Workspace/src
cd $HOME/Workspace/src
git clone --recursive http://github.com/AlexisTM/rtk_ros

cd $HOME/Workspace/
catkin build


rosrun rtk_ros rtk_ros_node _port:=/dev/ttyACM0


port = "/dev/ttyACM0"
baud = 115200
survey/accuracy = 4.0 # meters
survey/duration = 90.0 # seconds


~/rtcm_out as mavros_msgs::RTCM # RTCM3 data
~/gps as sensor_msgs::NavSatFix # GPS data

To work with mavros, redirect ~/rtcm_out to ~/send_rtcm. Once the survey is done, mavros will publish ~/rtk_baseline.