
Project to show in a BCD display a value set in binary

Primary LanguageVHDLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Project to show in a BCD display a value set in binary


This project shows in a 4 digits BCD 7-segments display, the number introduced by the inputs (currently, a list of switches) in binary natural

By example, if you write "10001", the display will shows 0 0 1 7.


This project is written for the QMTech Artix-7 SDRAM Board (Xilinx XC7A35T FPGA). The BCD Display and the switches are provide by a ZXDOS module

Some annotations

The ZXDOS module use a low-level logic, in which the enabling using "0" instead "1". By this reason, some inputs are inverted before connect to the display


This project is based in the code example "disp_mux.vhd", which allows to control a multiplexed BCD 7-segment display. This code was improved and simplified to ease the syntetizing.

Over this controller, we add two new modules, to implement a BCD to 7-segment decoder for each number, and a Binary to BCD translator.