- 0
Reset pose bones between actions
#28 opened by gtibo - 1
- 2
Error in 4.0
#31 opened by Spazi-dev - 5
The bones whith type game.basic.raw_copy did not generate deformation bones when adding a 'DEF-' prefix
#23 opened by iillya - 0
- 7
- 1
- 0
- 1
face.basic_tongue is backwards
#19 opened by Jorhlok - 1
- 5
Broken in 3.5
#25 opened by Spazi-dev - 2
The addon does not support blender 3.5.1
#27 opened by iillya - 0
An exception
#24 opened by iillya - 0
- 2
Which control bone should i use?
#20 opened by HEKEPOIU - 6
- 0
Extend skin.eye to support a single deform bone
#18 opened by Arminando - 2
Blender 3.1 error
#16 opened by jetdog8808 - 1
Pose driven bones
#10 opened by Arminando - 1
UI overhaul
#8 opened by Arminando - 1
Pre and Post script system
#7 opened by Arminando - 2
missing 1 required positional argument: 'obj'
#15 opened by alexchoin - 1
Bone Shin.01 changes position deforming the mesh.
#14 opened by 1Snakel - 0
Default controls to XYZ rotation mode
#12 opened by arminHalac - 0
Spline IK Tail or Tentacle
#13 opened by mariomusov - 0
Slider component
#9 opened by Arminando - 0
Parent Switch system overhaul
#6 opened by Arminando - 0
Add installation instrucitons to readme
#2 opened by Arminando - 1
Add widget selection to copy_chain
#1 opened by Arminando - 0
Add relink constraints option to copy_chain
#3 opened by Arminando - 0
Make sure to disable all bbone's on DEF
#5 opened by Arminando - 0
Fix orientation in copy_chain sample bones
#4 opened by Arminando