
Fixing print statement

Closed this issue · 4 comments


If I'm not wrong, you need a \n after the print statement in here:

f"{chr(10).join(f'{k}:{chr(9)}{v}' for k, v in vars(args).items())}"

No \n is needed. I used chr(10) which returns the newline character since f-strings don't support a backslash inside them.

I didn't check but to my knowledge "x".join(["a", "b", "c"]) returns axbxc, so there would be no new line at the end of that line.

Also your f-string on the next line has a backslash?


@jasonwei20 I see what you're saying. Yes, this is incorrect and there should be a \n. Thanks for finding this.

Also your f-string on the next line has a backslash?

An f-string cannot have a backslash inside the curly brackets.