
Issues with running RAPID code.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I've been trying to run the code that is available on this repository, and I've run into a few issues, maybe they are on my side, but since I am new to programming this robot, some help would be appreciated. When I export rapid modules as in #4 from the basic folder, they are exported normally, but when I loaded the library, and tried to move the robot by a centimeter, I get error from controller telling me that I am using old definition for cfx and this is not compatible with new arm angle definition (as per #12 ).
I noticed that there is a new backup from version 6.06, but when I try to load it as per instructions, I get following error:
The type name 'ETHERNETIP_INTERNAL_ANYBUS_DEVICE' in configuration file EIO.cfg cannot be found in domain EIO.
And the backup won't load. I don't want to just comment lines of my program, so that it maybe starts working.
Also, if I try to load the arm servers manually, there are some errors in code detected:
Reference error(130): Reference to unknown procedure g_GripIn.
The rest of the gipper values are also underlined as errors.
I've noticed that these values are declared in MMC.cfg file, but I don't know how to load/set it up without restoring the backup.
Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: Is it possible for anyone to provide backup file in version 6.08?
EDIT2: Tried uploading the .cfg files manually, but it doesn't seem to work.

Which version of RobotWare do you have? We only support 6.03 and 6.06. I think you will have to contact ABB about these errors as we don't actively maintain this for updated versions of RobotWare.

I downgraded the RobotWare version to, though when uploading the files via restore backup function, dialog window pops up saying that there are still version mismatches. Do I need to modify the backup file in any way?
When I try to load cfg files manually is seems like everything went smoothly, but there doesn't seem to be any effect on system configuration (after reset).

There is probably a version mismatch with some of the hardware. For example, your error suggests that the grippers may be a newer version than our backup file supports.

You could also try downgrading to 6.06.00. I'm not sure if that is an issue or now.

I'll try downgrading to 6.06.00. What version of grippers do you have? I currently have 3.54 installed.

Ok, so downgrading to 6.06.00 allowed me to upload the backup without problems, but I had to change the robot serial number, as well as update the controller with robot memory data (in advanced calibration menu). I think now the system is working correctly.

Ok good to know. Sorry for the issues. Unfortunately we don't have the bandwidth to actively maintain this for all RobotWare updates from ABB. I hope you find the library useful.