PiDRAM is the first flexible end-to-end framework that enables system integration studies and evaluation of real Processing-using-Memory techniques. Prototype on a RISC-V rocket chip system implemented on an FPGA. Described in our paper:
- nindanaotoJapan
- Mark1626
- yeonan
- FanYang98
- AlvazzAlaska
- mcai
- frieden-ls
- ghishadow
- JDTruj2018Albuquerque, New Mexico
- nsq974487195
- skudlurEdinburgh
- akarxxx1030Bangalore, Karnataka
- celukAnkara, Turkey
- cnjsdfcy
- zhangyuan0102
- kirankumarherePittsburg
- chenshih1
- rajmachol
- anhducdinhViet Nam
- AlbertZick
- Avimitin未来ガジェット研究所, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan
- kimsungwooo
- hpismias
- PDZZXLShanghai