AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'permute'
librlike opened this issue · 1 comments
May I use train again_ Gan_ Social_ LSTM_ The following errors occurred during the training of the MHSA model:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/f/pycharm-professional/pytorch-project/VectorNet-GAN/mapfe4mp-master/", line 143, in
model_trainer(config, logger)
File "/mnt/f/pycharm-professional/pytorch-project/VectorNet-GAN/mapfe4mp-master/model/trainers/other/", line 271, in model_trainer
losses_d = discriminator_step(hyperparameters, batch, generator,
File "/mnt/f/pycharm-professional/pytorch-project/VectorNet-GAN/mapfe4mp-master/model/trainers/other/", line 489, in discriminator_step
pred_traj_fake = relative_to_abs(pred_traj_fake_rel, obs_traj[-1])
File "/mnt/f/pycharm-professional/pytorch-project/VectorNet-GAN/mapfe4mp-master/model/datasets/argoverse/", line 394, in relative_to_abs
rel_traj = rel_traj.permute(1, 0, 2)
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'permute'
Excuse me, class TrajectoryGenerator (nn. Module): Is this part of the code correct and why is it returning pre d_ Traj_ Fake_ Rel returns a tuple, but tuples cannot use relative_ To_ ABS function
Hi. I am modifying the repo to have a stable version. Thank you!