bids application for processing functional MRI data, robust to scanner, acquisition and age variability.
- aki-m2
- amandeepjutlaNew York
- cindyhflsWashington University in St. Louis
- DanLeopoldUniversity of Colorado
- DavidEWarrenPhDUNMC
- donghui1119Beijing Normal University
- DrChenziyanXiangya hospital, Central South University
- goferville
- haililihai
- hermosir
- hnclark
- HW-HaoWangUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)
- JaerongAUT Health
- jarodroland
- jlhanson5
- kevmandersonNeumora Therapeutics
- likeajumpropeDonders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
- lindseymooney
- liuzhenqi77@netneurolab
- m9hCenter17
- mackenziemitchell
- mbnebelKennedy Krieger Institute
- niaberrian
- nordicpioneerTrondheim
- primeneuro-brad
- shnizzedy@ChildMindInstitute
- swhawes
- traceyshi
- waigwamacha
- wangmin-6
- wtagrTarrytown, NY
- xiazcUniversity of Connecticut
- yancong222Purdue University
- YaoMeng94Chengdu, China
- yuzuhaiseastern Japan
- zongzhun