- 1
A lot of warnings
#173 opened by Hary309 - 1
#195 opened - 0
a crash when run an example (sfml)
#199 opened by OwlHowlinMornSky - 4
Unreal Engine 4 Support
#157 opened by yratof - 0
#198 opened by yuchaoo - 0
Animation config resetting
#197 opened by GoverLabs - 1
Gathering bone data (Ex: foot)
#196 opened by barisdoga2 - 0
Cocos2d-x there should be a possibility to use sprite sheets from texture packer tool
#194 opened by crookedbard - 0
Cocos2dx, using 2 texture sheets on the same armature produces many GL draw calls.
#193 opened by crookedbard - 2
How to scale a character?
#192 opened by boehm-e - 1
#179 opened by CrazyKtW - 0
#189 opened by scutXu - 11
Crash with SFML
#188 opened by Vovus27 - 0
Bone Slot class setVisible change suggest
#187 opened by namuda - 0
Cocos2dx-3.17 error on mac
#186 opened by dzen-intelligence - 1
Reload armature data without removing it
#185 opened by Hary309 - 3
How do I remove a skeleton data from memory?
#184 opened by Hary309 - 1
#183 opened by scutXu - 1
Error with parser->JSONParser.cpp line 275
#182 opened by HubHop - 1
#178 opened by scutXu - 1
int Slot::intersectsSegment() error fix
#181 opened by namuda - 2
Procedural animations
#176 opened by rezydent - 2
#177 opened by shanfl - 5
- 1
One Correction
#175 opened by harcanjo - 1
Cocos2d-x Android Studio
#174 opened by harcanjo - 1
Some Correction
#172 opened by sanja-sa - 1
_soundEventManager 不应该用create来创建对象
#137 opened by djwshh - 1
- 1
用同一个龙骨动画 创建2000个 播放 ,drawcall 2000
#168 opened by stripluagio - 1
请问龙骨从代码里面 哪个位置可以看出龙骨对应的版本号
#171 opened by lupin888 - 1
- 3
Mesh crash
#169 opened by Hary309 - 6
#166 opened by scutXu - 3
5.0 对象池全部失效了
#163 opened by jareguo - 2
2 Demos doesn't work at all
#142 opened by aseem2625 - 0
issue IK doesn't flip
#159 opened by raksa - 5
hi where is DragonBone pro source code?
#162 opened by rmros - 8
呆锅,又crash鸟。(hi guys, it crashed agina!)
#154 opened by xiajiaonly - 0
cant load exported animation
#160 opened by kamranrad1993 - 1
Support curve animation
#156 opened by AlexShyNut - 1
vector iterator not incrementable
#151 opened by wbbtcool - 5
support cocos2d-js
#138 opened by tdtanvn - 2
- 3
new to github
#145 opened by Riyuzakii - 1
#146 opened by AlongWY - 0
Relpace texture blendMode will be override
#143 opened by djwshh - 1
- 0
plz show the history edition
#141 opened by bell99431 - 2
The master edition don't support cocos2dx-3.6
#136 opened by bell99431