
Code for experiments of the paper "A new benchmark for group distribution shifts in hand grasp regression for object manipulation. Can meta-learning raise the bar?" (DistShift workshop, NeurIPS 2022).

Primary LanguagePython


This is the code repository for the experiments of the paper "A new benchmark for group distribution shifts in hand grasp regression for object manipulation. Can meta-learning raise the bar?" accepted at the DistShift workshop of NeurIPS 2022.

Example of DexYCB tasks from our proposed benchmark.

Setting up

Python environment

First, create the anaconda environment with conda create -f environment.yaml (or alternatively install all dependencies in a virtualenv). Then, install pytorch for your CUDA version in this created conda env (1.12.1 is recommended), such as: conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge.

Download our learn2learn fork, switch to the branch derivative_order_annealing and in your conda environment you just created, run python setup.py build && python setup.py install in the root of learn2learn.


Download the DexYCB dataset and extract it in the location of your choice, then update this location in the field dataset_path of all dexycb-related config files (i.e. conf/experiment/anil_cnn_dexycb.yaml).

Optionally download the ShapeNetCore dataset for the ObMan dataset and update the shapenet_root field in conf/config.yaml.

Training & testing

You can get an overview of all the parameters with ./train_test.py -h (refer to Hydra's documentation for more details).

Run ./train_test.py experiment=<name_of_experiment>; see the list of YAML files in conf/experiments for experiment names (ommit the .yaml extension). Use the option test_mode=true to test, and don't forget to specify a trained model with experiment.saved_model=<path>.


Procrustes Analysis for the heatmap of grasps

Run the procrustes_analysis.py script.

Distance heat map of mean hand shapes

Analysing the gradient norms during adaptation

./analyse_grads.py experiment=anil_cnn_dexycb experiment.hold_out=9 experiment.saved_model=models/handonly/anil_9.tar analyse_tasks=100 hand_only=true

Make sure that experiment.hold_out matches your trained model.