- 3
Warning when running
#757 opened by shubham1637 - 2
- 4
- 1
SpliceAI Plugin: Masked Scores available?
#754 opened by stefandiederich - 3 with GRCh38?
#719 opened by IanCodes - 10
FunMotifs: missing annotation
#725 opened by robertzeibich - 5
SpliceVault support for GRCh37 ?
#751 opened by yangyxt - 7
- 22
Missing ZYG field from VEP output
#724 opened by IanCodes - 11
Failed to instantiate plugin UTRannotator
#737 opened by hachemi23 - 3
- 1
Link for DisGenet Input data not working anymore
#739 opened by pietrojulia - 3
Download of is not working from ftp
#745 opened by MGCarta - 5
UTRAnnotator Illegal division by zero
#742 opened by suzyhh - 1
Dead link in documentation
#720 opened by dvg-p4 - 6
Issue: Missing Plugin Columns in INFO Field of VCF File when Using dbNSFP with VEP
#735 opened by poddarharsh15 - 1
- 4
CADD plugin not working as expected in v111
#703 opened by puva - 3
Failed to instantiate plugin AncestralAllele
#736 opened by Mani3bigs - 4
- 1
Using dbNSFP4.6_gene.gz as annotation source
#694 opened by GACGAMA - 6
UTRAnnotator: Variable names starting with digits
#733 opened by wwgordon - 3
UTRAnnotator failed to instantiate
#718 opened by mmwheel - 9
- 8
no results from mutfunc plugin
#727 opened by mathob - 2
- 8
SpliceAI scores
#692 opened by jml96 - 1
neXtProt values are empty
#699 opened by MGCarta - 7
SingleLetterAA plugin not working as expected
#697 opened by MGCarta - 3
GWAS Plugin Initialization
#685 opened by Bobsimonoff - 3
GWAS plug in Assumptions related to SNPS column
#684 opened by Bobsimonoff - 4
dbNSFP plugin only producing empty columns
#701 opened by Hepit - 6
CADD can not get any scores
#698 opened by zyxNo1 - 7
CADD plugin extremely slow with CNVs
#654 opened by ntm - 7
CADD-SV plugin not working
#667 opened by kittysher - 10
MaveDB fields empty
#665 opened by dade7 - 4
- 1
FATHMM-MKL: Failed to compile plugin FATHMM_MKL: Global symbol "$allele" requires explicit package name.
#676 opened by JasperBoom - 5
- 3
- 10
MaveDB went wrong
#659 opened by bwubb - 3
Empty AlphaMissense annotation
#660 opened by bwubb - 9
Issue with the SingleLetterAA Plugin's Output
#655 opened by biofer - 2
Skipped variant annotations with dbNSFP plugin
#656 opened by FrancescaBC - 3
AlphaMissense plugin available in Docker
#653 opened by aiqc - 2
- 3
Annotation files for spliceAI
#648 opened by MGCarta - 2
alphamissense plugin
#643 opened by RosaDeSa - 14
REVEL plugin not adding score
#641 opened by migmarbor - 1
Use fixed SingleLetterAA plugin in released vep version
#640 opened by YeHW