- A-CGray@mdolab
- abhijeetgangan
- ax3lLBNL, previously HZDR
- BigBalloon8Edinburgh
- CheukHinHoJerryUniversity of British Columbia
- croci
- ddrousBristol, UK
- dionhaefner@pasteurlabs | Niels Bohr Institute
- EiffL@flatironinstitute
- frapacMines Paris-PSL
- gdalleEPFL
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- jgreener64MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- joelberkeley
- kir0ul
- kiranshilaKAS Microwave LLC
- leandrolcamposBelo Horizonte, Brazil
- learning-chip
- lukasheinrichTUM
- mapi1Brain Simulation Section, Charité Berlin
- marcomHamburg
- martinjm97PhD Student at MIT
- michel2323Argonne National Laboratory
- mlevesquedionGoogle
- ntoxegAperto / Genotic
- oroppas
- ProfFanGeorgia Tech
- rayegunCambridge, MA
- Rhiannon-UdallLIGO Lab, Caltech
- RodrigoAVargasHdzMcMaster
- seb-sep
- smsharmaAnthropic
- sphw@elodin-sys
- wbthomason@bdaiinstitute
- wsmosesUIUC/Google Deepmind
- ZuseZ4University of Toronto