Optimize Julia Functions With MLIR and XLA for High-Performance Execution on CPU, GPU, TPU and more.
- adrhillTU Berlin
- artemsolod
- avik-palMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- avinashresearch1JuliaHub
- chengchingwen
- CheukHinHoJerryUniversity of British Columbia
- Dale-Black
- dillondaudert@ascential
- domlunaGoogle
- fly51flyPRIS
- FredericWantiezLondon, UK
- gdalleEPFL
- graeme-a-stewartCERN, EP-SFT group and @HSF
- hmyuuu
- jgreener64MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- jondeuce
- lassepeDelft University of Technology
- liuyxppFudan University
- marcomHamburg
- MilesCranmerUniversity of Cambridge
- MoelfCambridge, MA
- mofeingBarcelona Supercomputing Center - @bsc-quantic
- oroppas
- PangorawIRISA
- prbzrgQaem Shahr, Iran
- ptiede
- rododhendronLyon
- roflmaostc@EPFL
- RomeoVStanford, California, and Zürich, Switzerland.
- sandreza
- sphw@elodin-sys
- TheCedarPrinceNortheastern University
- tricksterTokyo
- VarLadUhhhh....
- vavrinesGermany
- xlxs4EMTech Space