
Tensorflow implementation(unofficial) of "Digging into Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Prediction"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is tensorflow(unofficial) implementation for the method in

Digging into Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Prediction

Clément Godard, Oisin Mac Aodha, Michael Firman and Gabriel J. Brostow

arXiv 2018

example input output gif

Code mainly based on [SFMLearner](https://github.com/tinghuiz/SfMLearner) and [SuperPoint](https://github.com/rpautrat/SuperPoint)

Update: fix testing bug for input data normalization, thanks @JiatianWu

Current pretrained model result is slightly low than paper.

If you find this work useful in your research please consider citing author's paper:

  title     = {Digging into Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Prediction},
  author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Godard and
               Oisin {Mac Aodha} and
               Michael Firman and
               Gabriel J. Brostow},
  journal = {arXiv:1806.01260},
  year = {2018}

Eval Result (with pretrained model link)

model_name abs_rel sq_rel rms log_rms δ<1.25 δ<1.25^2 δ<1.25^3
mono_640x192_nopt(paper) 0.132 1.044 5.142 0.210 0.845 0.948 0.977
mono_640x192_nopt(ours) 0.139 1.1293 5.4190 0.2200 0.8299 0.9419 0.9744
mono_640x192_pt(paper) 0.115 0.903 4.863 0.193 0.877 0.959 0.982
mono_640x192_pt(ours) 0.120 0.8702 4.888 0.194 0.861 0.957 0.982

Demonstration (Click Image For Youtube Video)

demo for tf-monodepth2


This codebase was developed and tested with Tensorflow 1.6.0, CUDA 8.0 and Ubuntu 16.04.


Assuming a fresh Anaconda distribution, you can install the dependencies with:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate tf-monodepth2

Preparing training data

In order to train the model using the provided code, the data needs to be formatted in a certain manner.

For KITTI, first download the dataset using this script provided on the official website, and then run the following command

python data/prepare_train_data.py --dataset_dir=/path/to/raw/kitti/dataset/ --dataset_name='kitti_raw_eigen' --dump_root=/path/to/resulting/formatted/data/ --seq_length=3 --img_width=416 --img_height=128 --num_threads=4

Training(Only Monocular)

First of all, set dataset/saved_log path at monodepth2_kitti.yml

python monodepth2.py train config/monodepth2_kitti.yml your_saved_model_name

example training log image


python monodepth2.py test config/monodepth2_kitti.yml your_pretrained_model_name

Get pretrained model download link from Eval Result chart


  • First we need to save predicted depth image into npy file
python monodepth2.py eval config/monodepth2_kitti_eval.yml your_pretrained_model_name depth

Save destination should be setted in monodepth2_kitti_eval.yml.

  • Then we use evaluation code to compute error result:
cd kitti_eval
python2 eval_depth.py --kitti_dir=/your/kitti_data/path/ --pred_file=/your/save/depth/npy/path/ --test_file_list=../data/kitti/test_files_eigen.txt

Note: please use python2 to execute this bash.

kitti_eval code from Zhou's SFMLearner

Pose evaluation code to be completed.

Reference Codes


  • Auto-Mask loss described in paper
  • ResNet-18 Pretrained Model code
  • Testing part
  • Evaluation for pose estimation
  • stereo and mono+stereo training