A collection of reference environments for offline reinforcement learning
Pinned issues
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[Question] Do you have any centralized documentation at all with version numbers of environments you use?
#243 opened by aravindvenu7 - 2
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Question about reward scale
#241 opened by lihaomin1010 - 2
Will support be added for new MuJoCo bindings?
#232 opened by davidireland3 - 3
[Bug Report] Need update franka kitchen xml
#236 opened by hilookas - 1
[Proposal] Add python 3.11 support
#233 opened by ikamensh - 1
[Bug Report] AntMaze envs ignore seed parameters
#202 opened by DT6A - 1
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[Proposal] Humanoid Offline RL data
#221 opened by prajjwal1 - 2
import d4rl No module named 'flow' and 'carla'
#214 opened by GuochenZhou - 5
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[Question] get_dataset failed
#226 opened by return-sleep - 2
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Terminals? How is the data split up into trajectories and why do you make your own terminal finding code?
#235 opened by TomQuilter - 3
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[Question] about normalization
#230 opened by NuvoleY - 1
Add stochasticity to the environment
#227 opened by BaitingLuo - 0
[Question] Access to the checkpoints
#228 opened by modanesh - 3
Environment hopper-medium doesn't exist
#190 opened by rdgy2017 - 0
[Proposal] Please tag your release code
#225 opened by douglowe - 0
[Question] More than 1 goal point for mazes
#224 opened by Abc11c - 0
[Bug Report] d4rl.sequence_dataset raise error when handling mujoco-v2 environments
#222 opened by IcarusWizard - 0
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Why is state value not same as env.sim.get_state().qpos and env.sim.get_state().qvel ?
#219 opened by rebecajohn - 0
Unable to get video using hopper-expert-v2 but was able to get with ant-v2 etc.
#218 opened by rebecajohn - 0
[Question] Question for change the environment
#216 opened by GuochenZhou - 0
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Is there any way that can let the goal location fixed? and can set the loctaion personally?
#212 opened by GuochenZhou - 0
[Questio File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper File "h5py/h5f.pyx", line 106, in h5py.h5f.open OSError: Unable to open file (truncated file: eof = 5365760, sblock->base_addr = 0, stored_eof = 34720209)n] Question title
#210 opened by zsn2021 - 2
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[Bug Report] antmaze-umaze-diverse-v0/v2 - reward/terminals inconsistent with other antmaze tasks
#199 opened by AlexBeesonWarwick - 0
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[Bug Report] AttributeError: 'PenEnvV0' object has no attribute 'recording'
#206 opened by mertalbaba - 0
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[Bug Report] Discard the last timestep in each trajectory cause a problem in check_envs.py
#203 opened by Seraphli - 0
Issue with a BFS search in maze environment
#201 opened by dgumenyuk - 0
[Bug Report] Inconsistency between observations and infos in dataset in the Antmaze-large-diverse-v2
#200 opened by rainbow979 - 2
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[Proposal] A lite version with minimal requirements to just download the datasets
#195 opened by jamartinh - 0
[Bug Report] maze2d rewards field is off-by-one
#194 opened by ssnl - 1
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[Proposal] Using Gymnasium instead of Gym
#191 opened by rageSpin - 4
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[Question] Matching between terminals, timeouts, truncated, terminated, done
#189 opened by qgallouedec - 0
[Question] Could you add a time procedure (e.g. tqdm) when we download the dataset?
#188 opened by CeyaoZhang