A standard format for offline reinforcement learning datasets, with popular reference datasets and related utilities
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[Bug Report] Error when attempting to create a dataset for MuJoco Hopper-v4 and v5
#246 opened by jamartinh - 4
[Question] Parallel Sampling
#136 opened by daniellawson9999 - 1
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[Question] Citation for Minari
#195 opened by pseudo-rnd-thoughts - 1
[Proposal] MuJoCo Datasets
#242 opened by smorad - 2
[Bug Report] dataset_id with namespace doesn't match the pattern DATASET_ID_RE on Windows
#238 opened by kaixin96 - 6
Code review notes
#79 opened by RedTachyon - 2
[Question] Counting total steps takes very long
#236 opened by kaixin96 - 5
- 1
- 1
[Bug Report] step and info structures expected to be identical (when `record_infos=True`)
#191 opened by Kallinteris-Andreas - 3
- 2
[Bug Report] Error in following code in README.md
#227 opened by HridayM25 - 1
unable to download dataset
#220 opened by GongXudong - 3
[Proposal] Assertion error when obs and act is out of space, is this not too hard? Perhaps and warn instead?
#175 opened by jamartinh - 4
[Bug Report] Misconfigured dataset on remote
#204 opened by ihholmes-p - 3
[Bug Report] listed datasets are unavailable for a given version - why list them?
#200 opened by vmoens - 2
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[Bug Report] Black render image
#197 opened by zichunxx - 2
[Question] Compatibility with PettingZoo
#190 opened by e-zorzi - 0
[Question] step and info structures expected to be identical (when `record_infos=True`)
#192 opened by Kallinteris-Andreas - 2
[Question] Does not iterating over episodes should produce "all" the episode data including infos and other stores keys?
#178 opened by jamartinh - 2
- 1
Missing info property in EpisodeData
#125 opened by ItaiBear - 1
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[Question] Is there plan to add d4rl mujoco?
#135 opened by im-Kitsch - 1
[Question] How to load RL step data in order
#166 opened by JustinS6626 - 1
[Bug Report] Pre-commit error with gymnasium
#150 opened by im-Kitsch - 0
[Proposal] Tests should not leave leftovers
#154 opened by younik - 7
[Proposal] let Minari Dataset's attribute ref_min/max score be attribute of environment
#141 opened by im-Kitsch - 3
[Proposal] Porting Antmazes to Minari.
#152 opened by RajGhugare19 - 1
looks strange for typing_extensions==4.4.0
#145 opened by im-Kitsch - 4
[Proposal] Humanoid Offline RL data
#147 opened by prajjwal1 - 1
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KeyError occurs when loading custom dataset
#131 opened by JustinS6626 - 2
action can fall outside of action_space
#127 opened by grahamannett - 15
[Question] Save only subset of obs space
#57 opened by Howuhh - 4
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Add tests for MinariDataset
#89 opened by younik - 0
[Bug Report] Ignore .DS_Store
#97 opened by younik - 3
[Proposal] Improvments to amount of data displayed by `minari list remote` and `minari list local` cli commands
#100 opened by balisujohn - 3
[Question] Please, state clearly in the documentation and dataset definition if in a time step "r_0" is consequence of "a_0"
#74 opened by jamartinh - 0
Checklist for maturity
#76 opened by elliottower - 3
Still can't pip install minari
#72 opened by sryu1 - 1
[Question] Bibtex Citation
#62 opened by JustinS6626 - 1
[Question] Discord invitation link is invalid
#61 opened by im-Kitsch