Simple and easily configurable grid world environments for reinforcement learning
- 2016choangNYU CILVR
- Ac31415
- bmazoureApple
- cetorresOracle
- chaddechColumbia University
- d3sm0
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- eemailme
- Eksanf
- fenollp@Scaleway
- jhcloos
- josemachino
- justicelee
- kanm05
- kir0ul
- levitationSimplify / Macrotec LLC
- MannyKayyEdinburgh Centre for Robotics
- MillionIntegralsMillion Integrals
- nantha42
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- OneiropoloSamsung SDS
- onurturhanTurkey
- paulovmdutra
- phymucs
- pierg
- pseudo-rnd-thoughts
- robertdigital@The-Art-of-Hacking
- rodrigodelazcano@Farama-Foundation
- romanab
- rwill128Atlanta, GA
- sra4077UK
- tatsuya-ishihara
- Wesley-yang
- WilsonQueirozdeOliveiraBrazil
- windwellerStanford, CA
- xrhd@icomp