- 1
OSError: [Errno 17] File exists
#32 opened by mergi-2674 - 4
Flag to remove intermediate files
#27 opened by bstamps - 5
hdf5 issue - unable to open file
#19 opened by Krannich479 - 3
- 1
ZeroDivisionError while running BESST
#30 opened by cimendes - 12
Problem with BESST in the pipeline
#15 opened by xbarvazx - 2
Question about input file type
#29 opened by YuanwenGuo - 0
Release package?
#28 opened by levlafayette - 3
BESST: error: unrecognized arguments: fr
#25 opened by cimendes - 1
GFA output
#24 opened by ekg - 0
warn user is not enough free memory
#3 opened by rchikhi - 0
print minia version in command line help
#5 opened by rchikhi - 0
check if -out is a folder (it shouldn't be!)
#4 opened by rchikhi - 0
test if bwa version is high enough
#6 opened by rchikhi - 2
gatb-pipeline requires a Linux 64 bits system
#14 opened by anmwinter - 5
- 4
Execution of 'perl tools/'
#16 opened by Shirley-Q - 1
Add version info on prerequisites
#21 opened by nylander - 3
Error with `make test`
#22 opened by nylander - 1
- 5
Combining multiple libraries
#20 opened by harish0201 - 4
- 0
- 1
Error with samtools in `make test`
#8 opened by ppericard - 1
save the stdout to a [prefix].log.txt file
#1 opened by rchikhi