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Question Regarding Bounding Box Orientation from KITTI Dataset Labels in Camera Coordinates
#55 opened by ujaejoon - 0
#54 opened by OFDBTI - 0
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- 1
Question about preloading the Waymo dataset.
#51 opened by wslbby - 3
Error when running the code
#50 opened by weizhenhuan - 2
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Target tracking confidence
#42 opened by 12w2 - 0
Thanks, I will have a try.
#48 opened by yushiyang0 - 1
The settings of dataset
#47 opened by taibai123abc - 4
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Hi author, can you provide a direct copy of the Nuscene SOT dataset that has been processed?
#44 opened by IzhiSu - 10
Reproduction of M2track
#33 opened by st724586 - 4
How to do the visualization of result?
#37 opened by IzhiSu - 4
Hi author, can you provide a direct copy of the Waymo SOT dataset that has been processed?
#30 opened by 2311762665 - 3
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Testing on NuScenes Validation
#39 opened by StrivedTye - 1
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#45 opened by li199603 - 1
Reproduce Van in kitti dataset
#41 opened by IzhiSu - 0
Can you provide more pretrained checkpoints for NuScenes and Waymo for M2Track?
#40 opened by kang2132 - 1
About the running speed of M2Track
#38 opened by freshwk - 1
Hi author, how did you generate the gif dynamic scene based on the tracking result?
#32 opened by 2311762665 - 6
Hi author, can you kindly provide a direct copy of pre-trained NuScenes model?
#36 opened by Xiaoqiong-Liu - 2
Questions about mean result?
#34 opened by WangJun-ZJUT - 5
How to encoder the time (frame id) information?
#25 opened by sallymmx - 1
Maybe a BUG reporting : the returned idx in pointnet backbone implementation
#28 opened by slothfulxtx - 0
M2-Track啥时候公开啊,我不需要BAT P2B
#29 opened by chenqi13814529300 - 1
When will the code of MM Track release?
#24 opened by panwangaz - 4
#19 opened by Qinwjie - 1
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Unstable training results
#22 opened by sallymmx - 2
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Cannot reproduce results on KITTI pedestrian
#23 opened by slothfulxtx - 2
#20 opened by YanhaoWu - 5
the number of points in the first frame’s car
#18 opened by freshwk - 4
Testing InNuScenes
#16 opened by StrivedTye - 6
Memory problem while testing nuscences
#17 opened by freshwk - 1
Integration with ROS
#15 opened by yicheng6o6 - 3
Predict or Inference using BAT model
#13 opened by YoushaaMurhij - 2
Visualization problem
#14 opened by freshwk - 3
Van and Cyclist
#11 opened by freshwk - 2
nuscenes dataset
#8 opened by CBY-9527 - 1
Tracking all objects
#12 opened by YoushaaMurhij - 1
something weired while testing
#9 opened by freshwk - 4
validation by RTX-3090
#10 opened by jimmy-dq - 5
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The config file for cyclist and Van
#7 opened by freshwk - 7
my test results is 29.8/25.4(prec/succ)
#6 opened by StrivedTye