
sd value collapse when voxel size < 0.05

Closed this issue · 1 comments

After little experiments, I found that size = 0.5 is the critical point.
size = 0.5
size = 0.49

FYI, when using voxblox_ros with pr2 with voxel size = 0.02, it seems working well. But I'm not sure because, maybe the pointcloud is published well but after interpolation, it will collapse.
Screenshot from 2022-11-01 08-41-31

The following scripts extract the level set of the voxels. And the result shows that, the problem still occurs when setting value to be lower than 0.05

import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from _voxbloxpy import EsdfMap, TsdfMap
import plotly.graph_objects as go

def create_esdf(sphere: bool = True, debug_view: bool = True):
    quat_wxyz = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    pos = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    camera_pose = pos + quat_wxyz

    r_sphere = 0.5
    ylin = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 100)
    zlin = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 100)
    y_grid, z_grid = np.meshgrid(ylin, zlin)

    if sphere:
        pts_yz_plane = np.array(list(zip(y_grid.flatten(), z_grid.flatten())))
        inside_circle = np.sum(pts_yz_plane ** 2, axis=1) < r_sphere - 0.02
        pts_yz_plane_inner = pts_yz_plane[inside_circle]
        pts_x = -np.sqrt(1.0 - np.sum(pts_yz_plane_inner ** 2, axis=1)) + 1.0  # 1.0 for camera

        pts = np.zeros((len(pts_x), 3))
        pts[:, 0] = pts_x
        pts[:, 1:] = pts_yz_plane_inner
        pts_yz_plane = np.array(list(zip(y_grid.flatten(), z_grid.flatten())))
        pts_x = np.zeros(len(pts_yz_plane))
        pts = np.zeros((len(pts_x), 3))
        pts[:, 0] = pts_x
        pts[:, 1:] = pts_yz_plane

    if debug_view:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], pts[:, 2])

    esdfmap = EsdfMap(0.05, 32)

    esdfmap.update(camera_pose, pts, True)
    n = esdfmap.get_num_alloc_block()
    print("allocated block: {}".format(n))

    return esdfmap

esdf = create_esdf(sphere=True, debug_view=False)
block_origins = esdf.get_block_origins()

pts, dists, observed = esdf.get_voxel_info();
dists = np.array(dists)
pts = np.array(pts)

pts1 = pts[np.logical_and(np.abs(dists) < 0.02, observed)]
pts2 = pts[np.logical_and(np.abs(dists - 0.1) < 0.02, observed)]
pts3 = pts[np.logical_and(np.abs(dists - 0.2) < 0.02, observed)]
pts4 = pts[np.logical_and(np.abs(dists - 0.3) < 0.02, observed)]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
ax.scatter(pts1[:, 0], pts1[:, 1], pts1[:, 2], c="yellow")
ax.scatter(pts2[:, 0], pts2[:, 1], pts2[:, 2], c="red")
ax.scatter(pts3[:, 0], pts3[:, 1], pts3[:, 2], c="blue")
ax.scatter(pts4[:, 0], pts4[:, 1], pts4[:, 2], c="green")