Check failed: false Unknown filler name: EdgeX
xiongdemao opened this issue · 1 comments
xiongdemao commented
Part 3. Depth
bash ./expriments/depth/
get :
I0402 21:05:01.934139 12367 net.cpp:406] gx_Itgt_RGB <- Itgt_norm_imR_0_split_1
I0402 21:05:01.934151 12367 net.cpp:380] gx_Itgt_RGB -> gx_Itgt_RGB
F0402 21:05:01.934406 12367 filler.hpp:288] Check failed: false Unknown filler name: EdgeX
I check the 'train.prototxt'file,I find
layer {
name: "gx_Itgt_RGB"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "Itgt"
top: "gx_Itgt_RGB"
param {
lr_mult: 0
convolution_param {
num_output: 3
bias_term: false
kernel_size: 3
group: 3
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "EdgeX"
include {phase: TRAIN}
but there seem no “EdgeX”
Huangying-Zhan commented
Hi @xiongdemao, thanks for pointing out the issue. I have added filler.hpp which includes "EdgeX" and "EdgeY".