Gym environment for cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning in heterogeneous robot teams
- abdulghani91Non
- adrian-primordialPrimordial Labs
- aeroue
- andyruddhMaryland, USA
- anna1904Norway
- Barron-Zh
- c6ai
- camillo2008
- Chloe4D
- Codepanyue
- dokidokia
- DQN-LabsHyderabad, India
- DSep@OnDeckFisheriesAI
- EdisonPricehanPurdue University
- hany606Daejeon, South Korea
- HarithSaraf
- hhhwmws0117Tsinghua Univ
- hit-JB
- huyq
- JacopoPanUniversity of Toronto, @VectorInstitute
- Jay-XDxidian university
- JohnShahawyJacksonville, FL
- keep9oingUNIST
- olanrewajufarooq
- PiKaChuZhao
- RedaElmarSchool of Information Sciences [ ESI ]
- syoiusEdinburgh
- teresadelgaAeris-UK
- Tie-1西北工业大学
- Tinysimpler
- tranhoangkhuongvn
- vateseif
- wangfujian
- XiAoSSuperNorthwestern Polytechnical University
- zhaozj89
- zyhlhzq