Pinned issues
- 11
- 0
can you open the code about dataset preprcess, including h36m, agora, hp3d ,and so on
#236 opened by qingyang-jiandao - 1
HyrbrIK requires a yanked (deprecated) version of opencv python, cannot proceed with install
#233 opened by SussyImp0ster - 0
batch size
#235 opened by Lidhra - 1
Can I only get the hybrikx `hand aniamtion data dont need the body motion ,I have a better one
#234 opened by jiajiajibamaoss - 1
Can you release the Multi-person demo code.
#231 opened by chiayiUNI - 10
- 1
Error about mp.spawn
#198 opened by zengyiwen123 - 1
- 0
question about twist angle decomposition
#232 opened by aoru45 - 0
need HybrIKX for hand mocap
#230 opened by jiajiajibamaoss - 0
Are there 2D image coordinates for the joints?
#229 opened by schlabott - 3
- 0
- 3
Errors while running Google Collab
#220 opened by OphisOuro - 0
these image no good detect
#226 opened by weituotian - 2
There's a lot of shaking, and it doesn't seem to match the original video? 抖动非常厉害,并且好像跟原始视频对不上?
#225 opened by GuangtaoLyu - 0
How did you make this animated video?
#223 opened by Eddudos - 1
HybrIK-X for 3d hand pose estimation
#188 opened by Jenny199099 - 0
Is it possible to train & test HybrIK-X?
#222 opened by dqj5182 - 1
Issue in "" script
#196 opened by profan-game - 0
Is it possible to use this code and model checkpoints freely? (include SMPL-Model license issue)
#221 opened by ppooiiuuyh - 2
训练时遇到的 RuntimeError
#219 opened by Qiuxsi - 0
Can I run the demo without a GPU?
#218 opened by zengyiwen123 - 2
demo 的运行结果
#216 opened by Qiuxsi - 3
- 1
pose estimation in multiplayer scenarios
#215 opened by zengyiwen123 - 3
- 2
fail to import .pk file using Hybrlk add-on
#212 opened by AWangji - 1
my training is stuck in training phase
#211 opened by m-usamasaleem - 1
tensor size mismatch!! HELP
#209 opened by Dipankar1997161 - 1
How do i use hybrikx ?
#210 opened by Ulf3000 - 1
Keyerror for Training Model
#208 opened by Dipankar1997161 - 1
- 0
Custom Data Training for HybriK Clarification
#203 opened by Dipankar1997161 - 1
Colab pytorch3d module not found
#206 opened by juliantheuma - 0
this file contains no playable streams ubuntu
#205 opened by Harry-1215 - 1
Parameters extraction
#204 opened by sebastianopazo1 - 1
- 0
What does 'transl_camsys' really mean?
#202 opened by HenrySomeCode - 0
HybrIK-X (SMPL-X) train code
#201 opened by GhostLate - 1
3D joint locations for mpjpe calculation on custom video using demo script
#199 opened by pankhurivanjani - 1
How to save the outputs into obj file
#194 opened by freedom521jin - 0
Issues related to code errors
#193 opened by 124518 - 1
I encountered some error
#191 opened by JSWLDG - 2
I have an issue while i'm installing pytorch3d
#190 opened by JSWLDG - 0
Inference time
#192 opened by SonNguyen2510 - 4
About the outputs
#189 opened by xyIsHere - 0
#187 opened by richardlinxinjian - 1
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './pretrained_models/hybrik_hrnet.pth'
#185 opened by AmoghTiwari