
How to debug msckf?

jingshaojing opened this issue · 7 comments

I want to know how to debug this project in vscode or clion ,except for cmake ........=DEBUG? In other words, I want to study How does this project work out step by step?thanks。

When I load this project in Clion without "cmake&make",it will hint
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:8 (find_package):
By not providing "Findcatkin.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "catkin", but
CMake did not find one.
when I change to VScode, it reminds that detects header file inclusion errors.

So how can i debug this?I guess I had to cmake with DEBUG ,then reload this project?

My apologies first. I am not sure about the question.
But the package is supposed to be complied/used in a ROS workspace.
I assume some additional configurations is needed for Clion or VSCode to properly set up the environment.

@versatran01 might be an expert on this?

You need to run Clion from command line after sourcing the catkin workspace.

You need to run Clion from command line after sourcing the catkin workspace.

I will try this, thanks. @versatran01

My apologies first. I am not sure about the question.
But the package is supposed to be complied/used in a ROS workspace.
I assume some additional configurations is needed for Clion or VSCode to properly set up the environment.

@versatran01 might be an expert on this?

First of all, thank you for providing answers. The original intention is that I am more interested in this kind of project if you should have relied on a similar IDE (such as Clion or VScode ,though the latter is a editor)when you wrote it? So I would like to ask how you wrote this project step by step, or you debugged it in the terminal.
I will try these two methods(Clion and vscode), maybe I can directly debug in terminal? I hope I can ask if you have any questions @ke-sun

We mostly use "terminal", probably for its "simplicity". 😄