
A Collection of Papers and Codes in CVPR2022 about low level vision


A Collection of Papers and Codes in CVPR2022 related to Low-Level Vision

Related collections for low-level vision

Image Restoration - 图像恢复

Restormer: Efficient Transformer for High-Resolution Image Restoration

Uformer: A General U-Shaped Transformer for Image Restoration

MAXIM: Multi-Axis MLP for Image Processing

All-In-One Image Restoration for Unknown Corruption

Fourier Document Restoration for Robust Document Dewarping and Recognition

Exploring and Evaluating Image Restoration Potential in Dynamic Scenes

ISNAS-DIP: Image-Specific Neural Architecture Search for Deep Image Prior

Deep Generalized Unfolding Networks for Image Restoration

Attentive Fine-Grained Structured Sparsity for Image Restoration

Self-Supervised Deep Image Restoration via Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics

KNN Local Attention for Image Restoration

GIQE: Generic Image Quality Enhancement via Nth Order Iterative Degradation

TransWeather: Transformer-based Restoration of Images Degraded by Adverse Weather Conditions

Learning Multiple Adverse Weather Removal via Two-stage Knowledge Learning and Multi-contrastive Regularization: Toward a Unified Model

Rethinking Deep Face Restoration

RestoreFormer: High-Quality Blind Face Restoration From Undegraded Key-Value Pairs

Blind Face Restoration via Integrating Face Shape and Generative Priors

End-to-End Rubbing Restoration Using Generative Adversarial Networks

GenISP: Neural ISP for Low-Light Machine Cognition

Burst Restoration

A Differentiable Two-stage Alignment Scheme for Burst Image Reconstruction with Large Shift

Burst Image Restoration and Enhancement

Video Restoration

Revisiting Temporal Alignment for Video Restoration

Neural Compression-Based Feature Learning for Video Restoration

Bringing Old Films Back to Life

Neural Global Shutter: Learn to Restore Video from a Rolling Shutter Camera with Global Reset Feature

Context-Aware Video Reconstruction for Rolling Shutter Cameras

E2V-SDE: From Asynchronous Events to Fast and Continuous Video Reconstruction via Neural Stochastic Differential Equations

Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction

Mask-guided Spectral-wise Transformer for Efficient Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction

HDNet: High-resolution Dual-domain Learning for Spectral Compressive Imaging

Super Resolution - 超分辨率

Image Super Resolution

Reflash Dropout in Image Super-Resolution

Residual Local Feature Network for Efficient Super-Resolution

Learning the Degradation Distribution for Blind Image Super-Resolution

Deep Constrained Least Squares for Blind Image Super-Resolution

Blind Image Super-resolution with Elaborate Degradation Modeling on Noise and Kernel

Details or Artifacts: A Locally Discriminative Learning Approach to Realistic Image Super-Resolution

Dual Adversarial Adaptation for Cross-Device Real-World Image Super-Resolution

LAR-SR: A Local Autoregressive Model for Image Super-Resolution

Texture-Based Error Analysis for Image Super-Resolution

Learning to Zoom Inside Camera Imaging Pipeline

Task Decoupled Framework for Reference-Based Super-Resolution

GCFSR: a Generative and Controllable Face Super Resolution Method Without Facial and GAN Priors

A Text Attention Network for Spatial Deformation Robust Scene Text Image Super-resolution

Learning Graph Regularisation for Guided Super-Resolution

Transformer-empowered Multi-scale Contextual Matching and Aggregation for Multi-contrast MRI Super-resolution

Discrete Cosine Transform Network for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution

SphereSR: 360deg Image Super-Resolution With Arbitrary Projection via Continuous Spherical Image Representation

IMDeception: Grouped Information Distilling Super-Resolution Network

A Closer Look at Blind Super-Resolution: Degradation Models, Baselines, and Performance Upper Bounds

Burst/Multi-frame Super Resolution

Self-Supervised Super-Resolution for Multi-Exposure Push-Frame Satellites

Video Super Resolution

BasicVSR++: Improving Video Super-Resolution with Enhanced Propagation and Alignment

Learning Trajectory-Aware Transformer for Video Super-Resolution

Look Back and Forth: Video Super-Resolution with Explicit Temporal Difference Modeling

Investigating Tradeoffs in Real-World Video Super-Resolution

Memory-Augmented Non-Local Attention for Video Super-Resolution

Stable Long-Term Recurrent Video Super-Resolution

Reference-based Video Super-Resolution Using Multi-Camera Video Triplets

A New Dataset and Transformer for Stereoscopic Video Super-Resolution

Image Rescaling - 图像缩放

Towards Bidirectional Arbitrary Image Rescaling: Joint Optimization and Cycle Idempotence

Faithful Extreme Rescaling via Generative Prior Reciprocated Invertible Representations

Denoising - 去噪

Image Denoising

Self-Supervised Image Denoising via Iterative Data Refinement

Blind2Unblind: Self-Supervised Image Denoising with Visible Blind Spots

AP-BSN: Self-Supervised Denoising for Real-World Images via Asymmetric PD and Blind-Spot Network

CVF-SID: Cyclic multi-Variate Function for Self-Supervised Image Denoising by Disentangling Noise from Image

Noise Distribution Adaptive Self-Supervised Image Denoising Using Tweedie Distribution and Score Matching

Noise2NoiseFlow: Realistic Camera Noise Modeling without Clean Images

Modeling sRGB Camera Noise with Normalizing Flows

Estimating Fine-Grained Noise Model via Contrastive Learning

Multiple Degradation and Reconstruction Network for Single Image Denoising via Knowledge Distillation


NAN: Noise-Aware NeRFs for Burst-Denoising

Video Denoising

Dancing under the stars: video denoising in starlight

Deblurring - 去模糊

Image Deblurring

Learning to Deblur using Light Field Generated and Real Defocus Images

Pixel Screening Based Intermediate Correction for Blind Deblurring

Deblurring via Stochastic Refinement

XYDeblur: Divide and Conquer for Single Image Deblurring

Unifying Motion Deblurring and Frame Interpolation with Events

E-CIR: Event-Enhanced Continuous Intensity Recovery

Video Deblurring

Multi-Scale Memory-Based Video Deblurring

Deraining - 去雨

Towards Robust Rain Removal Against Adversarial Attacks: A Comprehensive Benchmark Analysis and Beyond

Unpaired Deep Image Deraining Using Dual Contrastive Learning

Unsupervised Deraining: Where Contrastive Learning Meets Self-similarity

Dreaming To Prune Image Deraining Networks

Dehazing - 去雾

Self-augmented Unpaired Image Dehazing via Density and Depth Decomposition

Towards Multi-Domain Single Image Dehazing via Test-Time Training

Image Dehazing Transformer With Transmission-Aware 3D Position Embedding

Physically Disentangled Intra- and Inter-Domain Adaptation for Varicolored Haze Removal

Demoireing - 去摩尔纹

Video Demoireing with Relation-Based Temporal Consistency

Frame Interpolation - 插帧

ST-MFNet: A Spatio-Temporal Multi-Flow Network for Frame Interpolation

Long-term Video Frame Interpolation via Feature Propagation

Many-to-many Splatting for Efficient Video Frame Interpolation

Video Frame Interpolation with Transformer

Video Frame Interpolation Transformer

IFRNet: Intermediate Feature Refine Network for Efficient Frame Interpolation

TimeReplayer: Unlocking the Potential of Event Cameras for Video Interpolation

Time Lens++: Event-based Frame Interpolation with Parametric Non-linear Flow and Multi-scale Fusion

Unifying Motion Deblurring and Frame Interpolation with Events

Multi-encoder Network for Parameter Reduction of a Kernel-based Interpolation Architecture

Spatial-Temporal Video Super-Resolution

RSTT: Real-time Spatial Temporal Transformer for Space-Time Video Super-Resolution

Spatial-Temporal Space Hand-in-Hand: Spatial-Temporal Video Super-Resolution via Cycle-Projected Mutual Learning

VideoINR: Learning Video Implicit Neural Representation for Continuous Space-Time Super-Resolution

Image Enhancement - 图像增强

AdaInt: Learning Adaptive Intervals for 3D Lookup Tables on Real-time Image Enhancement

Exposure Correction Model to Enhance Image Quality

Low-Light Image Enhancement

Abandoning the Bayer-Filter to See in the Dark

Toward Fast, Flexible, and Robust Low-Light Image Enhancement

Deep Color Consistent Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement

SNR-Aware Low-Light Image Enhancement

URetinex-Net: Retinex-Based Deep Unfolding Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Image Harmonization - 图像协调

High-Resolution Image Harmonization via Collaborative Dual Transformationsg

SCS-Co: Self-Consistent Style Contrastive Learning for Image Harmonization

Deep Image-based Illumination Harmonization

Image Completion/Inpainting - 图像修复

Bridging Global Context Interactions for High-Fidelity Image Completion

Incremental Transformer Structure Enhanced Image Inpainting with Masking Positional Encoding

MISF: Multi-level Interactive Siamese Filtering for High-Fidelity Image Inpainting

MAT: Mask-Aware Transformer for Large Hole Image Inpainting

Reduce Information Loss in Transformers for Pluralistic Image Inpainting

RePaint: Inpainting using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Dual-Path Image Inpainting With Auxiliary GAN Inversion

SaiNet: Stereo aware inpainting behind objects with generative networks

Video Inpainting

Towards An End-to-End Framework for Flow-Guided Video Inpainting

The DEVIL Is in the Details: A Diagnostic Evaluation Benchmark for Video Inpainting

DLFormer: Discrete Latent Transformer for Video Inpainting

Inertia-Guided Flow Completion and Style Fusion for Video Inpainting

Image Matting - 图像抠图

MatteFormer: Transformer-Based Image Matting via Prior-Tokens

Human Instance Matting via Mutual Guidance and Multi-Instance Refinement

Boosting Robustness of Image Matting with Context Assembling and Strong Data Augmentation

Shadow Removal - 阴影消除

Bijective Mapping Network for Shadow Removal


Face Relighting with Geometrically Consistent Shadows

SIMBAR: Single Image-Based Scene Relighting For Effective Data Augmentation For Automated Driving Vision Tasks

Image Stitching - 图像拼接

Deep Rectangling for Image Stitching: A Learning Baseline

Automatic Color Image Stitching Using Quaternion Rank-1 Alignment

Geometric Structure Preserving Warp for Natural Image Stitching

Image Compression - 图像压缩

Neural Data-Dependent Transform for Learned Image Compression

The Devil Is in the Details: Window-based Attention for Image Compression

ELIC: Efficient Learned Image Compression with Unevenly Grouped Space-Channel Contextual Adaptive Coding

Unified Multivariate Gaussian Mixture for Efficient Neural Image Compression

DPICT: Deep Progressive Image Compression Using Trit-Planes

Joint Global and Local Hierarchical Priors for Learned Image Compression

LC-FDNet: Learned Lossless Image Compression With Frequency Decomposition Network

Practical Learned Lossless JPEG Recompression with Multi-Level Cross-Channel Entropy Model in the DCT Domain

SASIC: Stereo Image Compression With Latent Shifts and Stereo Attention

Deep Stereo Image Compression via Bi-Directional Coding

Learning Based Multi-Modality Image and Video Compression

PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding

Video Compression

Coarse-to-fine Deep Video Coding with Hyperprior-guided Mode Prediction

LSVC: A Learning-Based Stereo Video Compression Framework

Enhancing VVC with Deep Learning based Multi-Frame Post-Processing

Image Quality Assessment - 图像质量评价

Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment with Rich Attributes

Incorporating Semi-Supervised and Positive-Unlabeled Learning for Boosting Full Reference Image Quality Assessment

SwinIQA: Learned Swin Distance for Compressed Image Quality Assessment

Image Decomposition

PIE-Net: Photometric Invariant Edge Guided Network for Intrinsic Image Decomposition

Deformable Sprites for Unsupervised Video Decomposition

Style Transfer - 风格迁移

CLIPstyler: Image Style Transfer with a Single Text Condition

Style-ERD: Responsive and Coherent Online Motion Style Transfer

Exact Feature Distribution Matching for Arbitrary Style Transfer and Domain Generalization

Pastiche Master: Exemplar-Based High-Resolution Portrait Style Transfer

Industrial Style Transfer with Large-scale Geometric Warping and Content Preservation

StyTr2: Image Style Transfer With Transformers

PCA-Based Knowledge Distillation Towards Lightweight and Content-Style Balanced Photorealistic Style Transfer Models

Image Editing - 图像编辑

High-Fidelity GAN Inversion for Image Attribute Editing

Style Transformer for Image Inversion and Editing

HairCLIP: Design Your Hair by Text and Reference Image

HyperStyle: StyleGAN Inversion with HyperNetworks for Real Image Editing

Blended Diffusion for Text-driven Editing of Natural Images

FlexIT: Towards Flexible Semantic Image Translation

SemanticStyleGAN: Learning Compositonal Generative Priors for Controllable Image Synthesis and Editing

SketchEdit: Mask-Free Local Image Manipulation with Partial Sketches

TransEditor: Transformer-Based Dual-Space GAN for Highly Controllable Facial Editing

HyperInverter: Improving StyleGAN Inversion via Hypernetwork

Spatially-Adaptive Multilayer Selection for GAN Inversion and Editing

Brain-Supervised Image Editing

SpaceEdit: Learning a Unified Editing Space for Open-Domain Image Color Editing

M3L: Language-based Video Editing via Multi-Modal Multi-Level Transformers

Image Generation/Synthesis / Image-to-Image Translation - 图像生成/合成/转换

Text-to-Image / Text Guided / Multi-Modal

Text to Image Generation with Semantic-Spatial Aware GAN

LAFITE: Towards Language-Free Training for Text-to-Image Generation

DF-GAN: A Simple and Effective Baseline for Text-to-Image Synthesis

StyleT2I: Toward Compositional and High-Fidelity Text-to-Image Synthesis

DiffusionCLIP: Text-Guided Diffusion Models for Robust Image Manipulation

Predict, Prevent, and Evaluate: Disentangled Text-Driven Image Manipulation Empowered by Pre-Trained Vision-Language Model

Sound-Guided Semantic Image Manipulation

ManiTrans: Entity-Level Text-Guided Image Manipulation via Token-wise Semantic Alignment and Generation

Text-to-Image Synthesis Based on Object-Guided Joint-Decoding Transformer

Vector Quantized Diffusion Model for Text-to-Image Synthesis

AnyFace: Free-style Text-to-Face Synthesis and Manipulation

Image-to-Image / Image Guided

Maximum Spatial Perturbation Consistency for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

A Style-aware Discriminator for Controllable Image Translation

QS-Attn: Query-Selected Attention for Contrastive Learning in I2I Translation

InstaFormer: Instance-Aware Image-to-Image Translation with Transformer

Marginal Contrastive Correspondence for Guided Image Generation

Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Generative Prior

Exploring Patch-wise Semantic Relation for Contrastive Learning in Image-to-Image Translation Tasks

Neural Texture Extraction and Distribution for Controllable Person Image Synthesis

Unpaired Cartoon Image Synthesis via Gated Cycle Mapping

Day-to-Night Image Synthesis for Training Nighttime Neural ISPs

Alleviating Semantics Distortion in Unsupervised Low-Level Image-to-Image Translation via Structure Consistency Constraint

Wavelet Knowledge Distillation: Towards Efficient Image-to-Image Translation

Self-Supervised Dense Consistency Regularization for Image-to-Image Translation

Drop the GAN: In Defense of Patches Nearest Neighbors as Single Image Generative Model

HairMapper: Removing Hair From Portraits Using GANs

Others for image generation

Attribute Group Editing for Reliable Few-shot Image Generation

Modulated Contrast for Versatile Image Synthesis

Interactive Image Synthesis with Panoptic Layout Generation

Autoregressive Image Generation using Residual Quantization

Dynamic Dual-Output Diffusion Models

Exploring Dual-task Correlation for Pose Guided Person Image Generation

StyleSwin: Transformer-based GAN for High-resolution Image Generation

Semantic-shape Adaptive Feature Modulation for Semantic Image Synthesis

Arbitrary-Scale Image Synthesis

InsetGAN for Full-Body Image Generation

HairMapper: Removing Hair from Portraits Using GANs

OSSGAN: Open-Set Semi-Supervised Image Generation

Retrieval-based Spatially Adaptive Normalization for Semantic Image Synthesis

A Closer Look at Few-shot Image Generation

Ensembling Off-the-shelf Models for GAN Training

Few-Shot Font Generation by Learning Fine-Grained Local Styles

Modeling Image Composition for Complex Scene Generation

Global Context With Discrete Diffusion in Vector Quantised Modelling for Image Generation

Self-supervised Correlation Mining Network for Person Image Generation

Learning To Memorize Feature Hallucination for One-Shot Image Generation

Local Attention Pyramid for Scene Image Generation

High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models

Cluster-guided Image Synthesis with Unconditional Models

SphericGAN: Semi-Supervised Hyper-Spherical Generative Adversarial Networks for Fine-Grained Image Synthesis

DPGEN: Differentially Private Generative Energy-Guided Network for Natural Image Synthesis

DO-GAN: A Double Oracle Framework for Generative Adversarial Networks

Improving GAN Equilibrium by Raising Spatial Awareness

**Polymorphic-GAN: Generating Aligned Samples Across Multiple Domains With Learned Morph Maps **

Manifold Learning Benefits GANs

Commonality in Natural Images Rescues GANs: Pretraining GANs with Generic and Privacy-free Synthetic Data

On Conditioning the Input Noise for Controlled Image Generation with Diffusion Models

Generate and Edit Your Own Character in a Canonical View

StyLandGAN: A StyleGAN based Landscape Image Synthesis using Depth-map

Overparameterization Improves StyleGAN Inversion

Video Generation/Synthesis

Show Me What and Tell Me How: Video Synthesis via Multimodal Conditioning

Playable Environments: Video Manipulation in Space and Time

StyleGAN-V: A Continuous Video Generator with the Price, Image Quality and Perks of StyleGAN2

Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model for Image Animation

Make It Move: Controllable Image-to-Video Generation with Text Descriptions

Diverse Video Generation from a Single Video


GAN-Supervised Dense Visual Alignment

ClothFormer:Taming Video Virtual Try-on in All Module

Iterative Deep Homography Estimation

Style-Structure Disentangled Features and Normalizing Flows for Diverse Icon Colorization

Unsupervised Homography Estimation with Coplanarity-Aware GAN

Diverse Image Outpainting via GAN Inversion

On Aliased Resizing and Surprising Subtleties in GAN Evaluation

Patch-wise Contrastive Style Learning for Instagram Filter Removal


New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement workshop and challenges on image and video processing.

Spectral Reconstruction from RGB

MST++: Multi-stage Spectral-wise Transformer for Efficient Spectral Reconstruction

Perceptual Image Quality Assessment: Track 1 Full-Reference / Track 2 No-Reference

MANIQA: Multi-dimension Attention Network for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment

Attentions Help CNNs See Better: Attention-based Hybrid Image Quality Assessment Network

MSTRIQ: No Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Swin Transformer with Multi-Stage Fusion

Conformer and Blind Noisy Students for Improved Image Quality Assessment

Inpainting: Track 1 Unsupervised / Track 2 Semantic

GLaMa: Joint Spatial and Frequency Loss for General Image Inpainting

Efficient Super-Resolution

ShuffleMixer: An Efficient ConvNet for Image Super-Resolution

Edge-enhanced Feature Distillation Network for Efficient Super-Resolution

Fast and Memory-Efficient Network Towards Efficient Image Super-Resolution

Blueprint Separable Residual Network for Efficient Image Super-Resolution

Night Photography Rendering

Rendering Nighttime Image Via Cascaded Color and Brightness Compensation

Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Track1 (Quality enhancement) / Track2 (Quality enhancement and x2 SR) / Track3 (Quality enhancement and x4 SR)

Progressive Training of A Two-Stage Framework for Video Restoration

High Dynamic Range (HDR): Track 1 Low-complexity (fidelity constrain) / Track 2 Fidelity (low-complexity constrain)

Efficient Progressive High Dynamic Range Image Restoration via Attention and Alignment Network

Stereo Super-Resolution

Parallel Interactive Transformer

Burst Super-Resolution: Track 2 Real

BSRT: Improving Burst Super-Resolution with Swin Transformer and Flow-Guided Deformable Alignment