Open-source and real-time orchestrator for cyber-physical-systems, to easily design, test and deploy embedded applications and digital twins.
- AchllleGrayMatter Robotics
- AmatewasuBalyo
- AntoineVenier
- AxelJacquotBordeaux
- bfourio
- blavadUnboared
- ClovelLog'in Line
- DvAx
- EtienneSchmitzESME
- farshiana
- GaelBuvat
- ggarnier12
- guillaume-larcheRennes
- guilyx@tiiuae
- h-balti
- HalloMatthieuBordeaux Ynov Campus
- hugovandernotte
- ivankravets@platformio
- jschotte
- ksune4ka-00x
- levaphenylBelgium
- M3g4lodon
- MattMgn
- nicolasGibaud7
- ntabris@Coiled
- PArcos
- pichon-e@eatcala
- pierre-rouanet@pollen-robotics
- RemiFabre@pollen-robotics
- roddehugoFrance
- rosterlohRichard Osterloh Engineering Ltd
- Simonbdy@Luos-io
- smennesson
- sshmaxime@LedgerHQ
- thierryfischer
- ymollardBordeaux INP