
rosbags incompatible with ```ros2 bag```?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Thank you very much for giving me access to the dataset. I was trying to play around with it but am facing the following issue

Command used: ros2 bag info 12_07_apis-001.bag



[ERROR] [1723665915.440392943] [rosbag2_storage]: No storage id specified, and no plugin found that could open URI
No plugin detected that could open file 12_07_apis-001.bag

Are the rosbags incompatible with ROS 2?

These are ROS1 bags so, no, at the moment incompatible with ROS2 out of the box.

@yunzc thank you the clarification. I was able to access them using a ROS 1 machine later on. Closing this issue now. If I find a different solution, I will post it here.

With best,