Node failing to initialize
PratNag opened this issue · 1 comments
PratNag commented
OS - ubuntu 20.04
ROS Ver - ROS 2 Foxy
I am running this with cuda 11.2 on a x86_64 machine with rtx3080.
Also tried running with cuda 11.2 on mx350 as well as Nvidia AGX.
Did re mappings correctly. The node is able to subscribe to the topics but as soon as the image is received it crashes.
Looks like it is failing to initialise.
Any reason why?
[component_container-1] [DEBUG] [1614244532.502486959] [rcl]: Subscription in wait set is ready
[component_container-1] [DEBUG] [1614244532.502506101] [rcl]: Subscription in wait set is ready
[component_container-1] [DEBUG] [1614244532.502522061] [rcl]: Subscription taking message
[component_container-1] [DEBUG] [1614244532.503331393] [rcl]: Subscription take succeeded: true
[component_container-1] [DEBUG] [1614244532.503360864] [rcl]: Subscription taking message
[component_container-1] [DEBUG] [1614244532.503365570] [rcl]: Subscription take succeeded: true
[component_container-1] component_container: /home/ty-desktop-20/ros2_ws/src/ros2-nvapriltags/src/AprilTagNode.cpp:68: void AprilTagNode::AprilTagsImpl::initialize(const AprilTagNode&, uint32_t, uint32_t, size_t, size_t, const ConstSharedPtr&): Assertion `april_tags_handle != nullptr' failed.
[ERROR] [component_container-1]: process has died [pid 63595, exit code -6, cmd '/opt/ros/foxy/lib/rclcpp_components/component_container --ros-args --log-level DEBUG --ros-args -r __node:=tag_container -r __ns:=/apriltag'].
hemalshahNV commented
Just to cover all bases, have you checked that all the values to nvCreateAprilTagsDetector() are correct? Only the 36h11 tag family is supported at present and the width, height, and tag edge size should all be reasonable. The intrinsics is expected as a nvAprilTagsCameraIntrinsics_t which is basically 4 32-bit floats.