
No detection at higher camera resolution

spirosperos opened this issue · 1 comments

I can successfully run detection with a Realsense set to resolution 640x480. However, when I increase the resolution to 1920x1080, I am not getting any detection, no matter how far or close the marker is from the camera. Why is this happening, and how could I adjust the parameters so that the detection is possible at a higher resolution? Possibly also at 4K? Thank you

We're not sure what the problem is yet, but we have a couple questions to help us narrow it down:

  • Are you using the same RealSense camera between tests, or are you switching between different cameras with different resolutions?
  • Could you please verify that you have set the size ROS parameter correctly, to correspond with the real-world size of the tag in meters?
  • Could you also verify that the sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages being produced by the RealSense correctly match the new 1920x1080 resolution?