
A ROS based package implementation for Nao v5 robot to create a polar map of its surroundings using its sonars in C++.

Primary LanguageC++


A ROS based package implementation for Nao v5 robot to create a polar map of its surroundings using its sonars in C++. Check code in order to change angle of rotation or motion speed.

Outcome Example

Red dots denote the estimated object's location, while the circle around it denotes the area in which is its actual position. alt text


You need to have installed :

  • ROS ( with a catkin environment )
  • naoqi_driver package

Has been tested for ros-kinetic.


After you downloaded the package, move it in your catkin workspace and :

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make


To run the package first run naoqi_driver in one terminal. Then in another terminal :

$ roslaunch sonar_package sonar_map.launch