Request for Examples for Octomap Tutorials
Opened this issue · 1 comments
I am working on creating a tutorial series focused on Octomap usage, ranging from beginner to advanced topics that the community frequently needs.
@ahornung , it would be greatly appreciated if you could please help me in compiling a list of examples based on your experience interacting with users both offline and through GitHub and ROS Discourse forum posts. I will do my best to cover as many topics as possible.
Thank you!
Following are some of them I came across:
- Read point cloud (.pcd file) convert it into octree (.bt file), and visualize it with Octovis
- Using octomap with FCL and OMPL
I look forward to your response
Great initiative! I don't really have the time to help however.
As starters, you could check what kind of issues / questions come up here at GitHub, at the OctoMap users group, or look at the examples and instructions at the homepage (not all might be up to date, however).