
Project ground control point to image error

bugracoskun opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, actually it is similar to
I am trying to project gcp to image. Here is my code:

import sys
import math
from opensfm import dataset,geo

base_path = "data_path"
# load
data = dataset.DataSet(base_path)
rec = data.load_reconstruction()[0]
# run the projections

imgName = "image_name"

shot = rec.shots[imgName]

# project
im  = data.load_image(imgName)
h, w, _ = im.shape
cam =
# reference lla
refLLA = [lat,lon,0]
poi = [gcp_lat,gcp_lon, gcp_alt] 
reference = geo.TopocentricConverter(refLLA[0], refLLA[1], refLLA[2])
pt3D= reference.to_topocentric(float(poi[0]), float(poi[1]),float(poi[2]))

pt2D = shot.project(pt3D)
pt2D_px = cam.normalized_to_pixel_coordinates(pt2D)

x = pt2D_px[0]
y = pt2D_px[1]
print("x:",x, "y:",y)

I am using the reconstruction.json file in opensfm folder. But there is also another reconstruction files. reconstruction.topocentric.json and undistorted/reconstruction.json but, I am using in the main folder in opensfm.

Some images projects are really good but some of them are really bad. I need a stable solution. What should i do ?

Here is the process options:

            name: "matcher-neighbors",
            value: "2",
            name: "radiometric-calibration",
            value: "camera",
            name: "pc-geometric",
            value: "false",
            name: "dem-resolution",
            value: "5",
            name: "orthophoto-resolution",
            value: "5",
            name: "min-num-features",
            value: "30000",
            name: "skip-orthophoto",
            value: "false",
            name: "skip-3dmodel",
            value: "true",
            name: "dsm",
            value: "false",
            name: "dtm",
            value: "false",
            name: "skip-report",
            value: "false",

Could we move this conversation over to the forum at 🙏 The forum is the right place to ask questions (we try to keep the GitHub issue tracker for feature requests and bugs only). Thank you! 👍