- 1
Missing components.cif
#89 opened by lx19930 - 1
dssp 4.4.7 needs to link to libatomic on some 32-bit platforms (arm, ppc, mips): `Undefined symbols: "___atomic_store_8"`
#84 opened by barracuda156 - 3
Publish as Conda package
#86 opened by padix-key - 3
Succeed to use command lane but fail to use python script from Bio.PDB.DSSP import DSSP
#87 opened by HaoDingg - 3
Error upon build
#85 opened by elisedlfg - 2
Dictionary not found or defined (mmcif_pdbx)
#83 opened by drewaight - 0
docker build failure
#82 opened by cycle20 - 2
- 5
Fill empty columns
#80 opened by Sherman-1 - 2
Error while loading dictionary mmcif_pdbx.dic
#77 opened by soumya-dutt - 1
why i can not use dssp in python
#78 opened by tomlongcool - 4
Allow for the use system version for libmcfp
#79 opened by reneeotten - 1
large memory usage in pdb file from ESMFold
#66 opened by jasondbiggs - 2
libmcfp changes break installation
#76 opened by merterden98 - 20
- 5
Feature request: Conda package support for DSSP
#72 opened by gcroci2 - 1
- 2
missing file when compile
#71 opened by Heisenburger2020 - 7
dssp-4.4.3: unit-test-dssp.cpp(247): error: in "dssp_3": check f.is_valid() has failed
#70 opened by pacho2 - 2
Question about cif output.
#69 opened by shuuul - 3
DSSP fails with generated cif file
#68 opened by shuuul - 1
DSSP's webserver is misbehaving
#67 opened by alexmplastow - 6
DSSP fails on windows?
#63 opened by lmiq - 1
1 test fails
#65 opened by yurivict - 7
- 2
Memory error
#57 opened by Jiawei-Xing - 2
Cifpp error
#59 opened by farmacyst99 - 7
Request for release binary
#61 opened by rcedgar - 1
Downcase residua unknown
#60 opened by jackhu3301 - 2
- 2
setting cifpp_DIR
#56 opened by daen0435 - 1
- 5
Allow DSSP to work with alternative header
#54 opened by DaniBodor - 1
installation problem on WSL / Ubuntu20.04
#53 opened by DaniBodor - 2
cmake error @ cbaakman
#52 opened by K-kiran90 - 3
Rsync cannot connect
#51 opened by BJWiley233 - 4
Compilation error
#50 opened by davidecarlson - 6
- 3
PDB input: parse error at line 1: This file does not seem to be an mmCIF file
#48 opened by yunxiangz - 9
- 2
Problem installing DSSP 4.0
#44 opened by maryammajd - 3
cmake compilation fails (libconfig not found)
#45 opened by vcojocaru - 1
error when install dssp
#46 opened by kanghui-learning - 1
PDB2Cif error
#43 opened by Yiqiu-Zhang - 3
#38 opened by onlyonewater - 1
Poly G reported as Poly Pro helix?
#42 opened by hrp1000 - 2
Error in cmake build
#41 opened by otienoanyango - 10
Error linking mkdssp and unit-test
#40 opened by cbaakman - 3
Compatibility with Concoord
#39 opened by TomUnter - 1
Heap buffer overflow in dssp.cpp
#37 opened by Augustin-Zidek