- 11
- 3
- 0
Reproducing the results (Table 4)
#25 opened by ziiho08 - 6
about main table 1
#14 opened by emjay73 - 3
Demo error
#24 opened by alien19 - 2
Ablation Study on Tank and Temple datasets
#21 opened by cv-lab-x - 2
- 0
susperious data leakage ?
#23 opened by blacksino - 2
have bug with the custom image set
#22 opened by yushengjiexy - 3
Implementing SCNeRF on custom dataset
#19 opened by shreyask3107 - 6
Problems running colmap_utils script
#18 opened by jiadingfang - 4
Parameter setting different with paper
#17 opened by LOOKCC - 3
Question about the equations in the paper
#15 opened by emjay73 - 2
#16 opened by nogoing - 2
Error trying the script on custom image set
#12 opened by eyildiz-ugoe - 2
Scripts for paper's results
#11 opened by bell-one - 2
- 6
- 2
Question about downsampling factor
#7 opened by Len-Li - 2
- 12
- 16
How to run experiment with only photos?
#3 opened by franciscoWizz - 2
Possible errors on your setup
#2 opened by franciscoWizz - 3