[ECCV2022] Masked Autoencoders for Point Cloud Self-supervised Learning
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Compile Error
#54 opened by Research-Code-123 - 1
About sample strategy during pretrain
#55 opened by JiaweiMao12135 - 0
Running Error
#53 opened by Research-Code-123 - 1
About pos_emd and attention distribution
#52 opened by JiaweiMao12135 - 1
Finetuning modelnet with 4090 GPU card, DataLoader worker (pid 899873) is killed by signal: Bus error.
#51 opened by Research-Code-123 - 1
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point cloud registration
#48 opened by Dxinz - 1
Install emd extension with torch>1.11.0
#42 opened by lqxisok - 1
chamfer_dist compile for sm_90 GPU architecture
#47 opened by saimunur - 2
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Demo code?
#46 opened by Abbsalehi - 1
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ModelNet(8k) accuracy of 1024 PCs
#45 opened by Harr7y - 4
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Model architecture
#41 opened by bhatipriyanka - 1
we can't reproduce the results of your experiment,could you give us some suggestion or help,thanks!!!
#40 opened by zoesoon - 1
About finetuning performance
#39 opened by sugar-fly - 1
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Request for Pretraining Log
#37 opened by whalesing - 1
About the scale factor
#36 opened by martianxiu - 2
Configuration files for finetuning
#26 opened by ivansipiran - 4
How many GPUs are needed for pre-training?
#19 opened by jianghaojun - 1
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Details on training environment
#34 opened by meyerjo - 2
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which ckpts to load for fine-tuning tasks
#31 opened by kengkeng1 - 0
where to download ShapeNetPart dataset?
#32 opened by MillyMaMa - 6
How to train from stratch and evaluate on modelnet40 for object classification?
#23 opened by TinaJin0228 - 1
The command of finetune on modelnet
#29 opened by whuhxb - 3
The result cannot be reproduced on ScanObjectNN_hardest, ScanObjectNN_objectbg, and ShapeNetPart.
#27 opened by Daybreak-Zheng - 0
How do I get the results of a few shots?
#28 opened by Daybreak-Zheng - 8
not able to import "chamfer"
#17 opened by krmayankb - 1
not able to install
#25 opened by josenachorr - 2
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How to open TFBoard file
#22 opened by WenjieZhao1 - 5
A question about "Few-Shot".
#14 opened by QWTforGithub - 2
Questions about Transformer achitecture ?
#21 opened by zhulf0804 - 1
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How to test on ScanObjectNN?
#16 opened by Phoebe-ovo - 1
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What do OBJ-BG and OBJ-ONLY mean?
#12 opened by charlesCXK - 3
About Visualization
#10 opened by jlqzzz - 2
What is the difference between point cloud completion task and point cloud masked reconstruction?
#9 opened by jlqzzz - 6
Bugs in modelnet40_8k pretrain model
#7 opened by cuge1995 - 2
Pre-training Log
#8 opened by Hiusam - 3
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