
Control and coordination of Crazyflie drones through Paparazzi UAV project. This is my bachelor's thesis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Control & Coordination of Crazyflie drones | Bachelor's Thesis

Control and Coordination of Crazyflie drones using Paparazzi UAV project. This is my bachelor's thesis.

The ultimate goal of this work is to achieve coordination among Crazyflies, lightweight quadcopters developed by the company Bitcraze, through the development of an open-source firmware based on the Paparazzi UAV project and the implementation of an algorithm for coordinated movement between them.

This project uses the Crazyflie 2.1 from Bitcraze with its corresponding accessories.



Remember to actually add the link to the PDF later

  1. PDF
  2. LaTeX Files
  3. PowerPoint


Useful scripts for installing required packages, sources and dependencies for this Bachelor's Thesis:

  1. Paparazzi Quick Install for Debian 12
  2. Install dependencies for this Thesis


  1. Paparazzi, including GVF and Formation Control
  2. Coordination with the official Bitcraze firmware for Crazyflies


  • In the firmware folder there is a copy of the working firmwares for Crazyflie 2.1 and Crazyradio.
    • TODO add final Paparazzi firmware for this thesis
  • The logs folder has some logs and graphs corresponding to some experiments made for the thesis, shown in Chapter 4. You can ignore it, it's there as a backup