
Very high frequency

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi all, i am using the topic hardware interface to move multiple robots in gazebo, using the plugin in this way:

          <param name="joint_commands_topic">joint_commands</param>   
          <param name="joint_states_topic">jnt_gz</param>   
          <param name="sum_wrapped_joint_states">false</param>   

I noticed that the /joint_commands topic is published at a frequency of almost 10000Hz.
Is there a way to modify this?
The controller manager update rati is set to 50.

Hi, do you mind sharing your ros2 control yaml file? In theory, it shouldn't run at higher frequency than the controller manager

I am also finding that the frequency at which command messages are published, exceeds that of the controller manager.

Update: likely relates to ros-controls/ros2_control#859. Are you using sim_time as well @muttistefano? When I use system time this issue disappears.

Hi , sorry for the late reply, i might have missed the mail.
I am indeed using the sim_time.
I will give it a try without it.