- 1
switch to numba implementation of scipy cdist
#697 opened by ogencoglu - 1
- 0
- 1
entropic_partial_wasserstein not stable
#723 opened by wzm2256 - 0
Performance of Pytorch backend vs CPU
#720 opened by RishalAggarwal - 2
Too low tolerance in `test_solve_sample_methods`
#618 opened by gspr - 3
Clarification on the `u` and `v` dual variables in the `sinkhorn` function with `log=True`
#713 opened by rimhajal - 3
ot.dist with metric='minkowski' always gives p=1 despite setting it to other values
#712 opened by luchungi - 1
- 2
Unexpected behavior of `Backend.sqrtm` and a minor bug in `ot.gaussian.bures_wasserstein_distance`
#708 opened by framunoz - 0
- 5
`ot.unbalanced.sinkhorn_knopp_unbalanced` change between `POT==0.9.4` and `POT==0.9.5`.
#691 opened by atong01 - 1
Slow computation with multiple threads for emd2
#698 opened by dc250601 - 1
Docs error | ot.plot in docs -> AttributeError: module 'ot' has no attribute 'plot'
#699 opened by ogencoglu - 0
ot.gmm : numerical errors
#689 opened by samuelbx - 7
The distance between two of the same GMMs is not 0
#695 opened by GilgameshD - 1
- 1
The example in the tutorial (Optimal Transport solvers comparison) does not work due to the NotImplementedError
#682 opened by RequieMa - 2
ot.emd2 outputs in CPU
#679 opened by hagasam - 1
- 0
CUDA error: initialization error
#674 opened by simon-forb - 0
- 0
p-norm vs Minkowski distance
#671 opened by DRKWang - 2
- 0
- 2
Incorrect computation of `cost_correction` matrix in `ot.da.EMDTransport`
#664 opened by martinrohbeck - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
question regarding applying transport
#651 opened by sancelot - 0
- 2
Incompatibility with numpy 2.0
#644 opened by XLoizeau - 1
[Bug] Linesearch hidden in scipy 1.14
#641 opened by rflamary - 3
- 1
Questions for ot.barycenter
#633 opened by peteryang1031 - 0
Deprecate distutils in favor of setuptools
#634 opened by matthewfeickert - 11
Numpy 2.0 compatibility
#626 opened by rflamary - 3
Jax backend: jax.errors.TracerArrayConversionError
#625 opened by act65 - 1
Issue with Importing POT Library in Apple Silicon Environment with TensorFlow
#624 opened by Tommylee1013 - 0
How to conduct scenario reduction with this project?
#615 opened by bmmddzgj - 3
ot.solve uses GPU even though tensors are on CPU?
#612 opened by mathurinm - 0
- 2
Modernize/Refactor the network_simplex method
#604 opened by EduardoGoulart1 - 1
Parallelization problem for 3D tensor
#598 opened by ppanzx - 1
Find correspondences between a set of 3D gaussian distributions (quadrics or ellipsoids) and a set of 2d gaussian distributions (conics or ellipses)
#597 opened by ttsesm - 0
`sinkhorn_lpl1_mm` performs unnecessary computations
#586 opened by kachayev - 2
- 3
- 1
[FEAT] Split the huge "" module
#567 opened by rflamary - 1
Cuda memory is full when import
#573 opened by zhangzef