Course material for the Collaboratory Workshop "Machine Learning with Python"
Jupyter NotebookGPL-3.0
- 755452800
- aianshayUFMG
- arunmaSingapore
- burkesquiresNIAID BCBB
- cavea
- CSTE7007
- epalo
- fcschmidtPlanet Earth
- gen-liUniversity of British Columbia
- jaquejbritoSan Diego
- jordanmendlerThe Veloz Group
- keklineNashville, TN USA
- lowestprime
- markmatney
- mason-macdougall
- MfpfoxUCLA
- ny-shaoUniversity of Macau
- puneethmishra
- QCB-Collaboratory-userUCLA
- rtuma
- sevdarafatovAix Marseille University
- Sidy2015
- syjgino
- UnitedLeagueGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University
- UnreasonablyBadd
- wdlvNorth Carolina
- yanqi219San Diego
- zericardoBrasil