
This is a fun implementation of Catch and Catch game done using ROS Turtlesim

Primary LanguagePython


This is a fun implementation of Catch and Catch game done using ROS Turtlesim.

Initially a turtle will be there which is the catcher of the game. A new turtle will be spawned to which the catcher will go to the goal position to catch it. Everytime we catch a turtle a new turtle is spawned in a random position. This process repeats continuously.


Flow of program

  • Locating random positions

  • Spawning new turtle

  • Identifying distance

  • Equating the distance

  • Killing the turtle

  1. Locating random positions
  2. > random.randrange()
    This function can output a random value between the range of value we give it as a input. So by using this we can locate and spawn a turtle in random positions of the turtlesim workspace.

  3. Spawning new turtle
  4. >Turtle_spawn(goal,killer_name,spawn_name)
    By using this function we can create a new turtle anywhere in the screen according to our inputs. The inputs are
    goal = position
    killer_name and spawn_name
    So the turtle will be spawned at the goal position with the name of spawn_name

  5. Identifying Distance
  6. The distance between the spawned turtle and the catcher turtle is found using the function
    >euclidean_distance(self, goal_pose)

  7. Equating the distance
  8. Equating the distance between the turtles with the tolerance level, the linear and angular velocities of the turtle is changed simultaneously
    >while self.euclidean_distance(goal_pose) >= float(distance_tolerance):
    With that the turtle moves for catching the new turtles

  9. Killing the turtle
  10. >Turtle_kill(killer_name)
    This function is used to kill the turtle whose input parameter is the name of the turtle. Once the catcher turtle catches the newly spawned turtle, then the Turtle_Kill function is been called

Screenshot from 2021-06-30 14-39-58(1)

You can also view the result here.