
[Multiplayer] Position of multiplayer marker is off

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Shouldn't it be over the head of the player?

Summoning @AFADoomer

It should, yes. It looks correct on my end.

What are your resolution/renderer/scaling settings?

All hail @AFADoomer!
It's heartwarming to finally see a new post by yourself in the BoA repo.
To keep you busy right away 😈: there are multiple issues you can help with if you find time, in particular #1160 (by adding a new UDMF field on a line and overriding CanCrossLine?), #1193, #1225, #1244, #1249, #1262 (though unlikely to reproduce it), #1294 (in general, not just for these specific checkboxes), #1296 (it's BreakString). Had taken shots at some of them locally, but ultimately realized I'm not the person who knows the BoA code well enough to fix these.

As for this issue, on Vulkan it does not seem to occur (messed with some Display and Scaling options, still looks fine).

Off topic However I can confirm that the cutscene darkened strips, like in @Tormentor667's picture, are not removed for the second player after the cutscene stops:


Maybe it's a desync, somehow undetected by the game?

The GZDoom version I was using is

Resolution is 2560 x 1080 pixels
Render is OpenGL
Scaling is Adapt to screen sige (and default for everything), off for HUD aspect ratio and preserves

I cannot reproduce this issue in Vulkan or OpenGL. Anyone else?

Looks good to me with the latest versions, so closed.
