
Director doesn't build with drake/master

manuelli opened this issue · 15 comments

Attempting to build spartan with drake/master. The drake sha I am using is d4b3bde6de2b89f21ad2fe5df998c069dbd9407c.

Drake builds fine but then director has the build error. Looks like the vtk version that drake is providing is no longer compatible with director. Has the vtk version changed recently?

@patmarion @fbudin69500

/home/manuelli/spartan/build/director/src/pcl/surface/src/vtk_smoothing/vtk_utils.cpp: In static member function 'static int pcl::VTKUtils::vtk2mesh(const vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>&, pcl::PolygonMesh&)':
/home/manuelli/spartan/build/director/src/pcl/surface/src/vtk_smoothing/vtk_utils.cpp:124:20: error: 'class vtkUnsignedCharArray' has no member named 'GetTupleValue'
       poly_colors->GetTupleValue (i, &point_color[0]);
/home/manuelli/spartan/build/director/src/pcl/surface/src/vtk_smoothing/vtk_utils.cpp: In static member function 'static int pcl::VTKUtils::mesh2vtk(const pcl::PolygonMesh&, vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>&)':
/home/manuelli/spartan/build/director/src/pcl/surface/src/vtk_smoothing/vtk_utils.cpp:240:15: error: 'class vtkUnsignedCharArray' has no member named 'InsertNextTupleValue'
       colors->InsertNextTupleValue (color);
/home/manuelli/spartan/build/director/src/pcl/surface/src/vtk_smoothing/vtk_utils.cpp:257:16: error: 'class vtkFloatArray' has no member named 'InsertNextTupleValue'
       normals->InsertNextTupleValue (normal);

Yes, VTK in drake update recently (I can't find the PR quickly). I've hit the same problem. VTK was then rolled back to an older version in #8325, but it wasn't the same older version and these deprecated functions are still missing (and director thus still fails to compile). cc @jamiesnape

Yes, GetTupleValue needs to be changed to GetTypedTuple and InsertNextTupleValue needs to be changed to InsertNextTypedTuple.

Director is currently building with pcl 1.8.0:

You could try changing that to 1.8.1. If it builds then I think we're good.

Tried changing director to build with the current drake head. PCL built, but then director blew up looking for LCM, presumably because drake doesn't provide a .pc file for it:

-- Checking for module 'lcm'
--   No package 'lcm' found
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:148 (message):
  Could NOT find LCM (missing: LCM_LIBRARY)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:388 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
  cmake/modules/FindLCM.cmake:29 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
  cmake/modules/FindLCM.cmake:38 (pkg_config_find_module)
  src/app/CMakeLists.txt:183 (find_package)

Will investigate a bit more.

Deleting cmake/modules/FindLCM.cmake got me further along the build, but PointCloudLibraryPlugin has the same problem with SetTupleValue.

I can PR a fix up to PointCloudLibraryPlugin this afternoon.

Try updating the director build to use patmarion/PointCloudLibraryPlugin@960f5ff.

Thanks Jamie! Almost worked. Opened patmarion/PointCloudLibraryPlugin#5 which gets PointCloudLibraryPlugin compiling with the vtk installed by RobotLocomotion/drake@c55d4fd

I have a director tree compiling in spartan now:

Highlights are roughly what's been mentioned above... bump PCL version, bump PointCloudPluginLibrary hash, delete FindLCM.cmake. It hasn't been exhaustively tested beyond loading my fork of the iiwa app.


I can open a PR to director if we think this is a reasonable solution. I don't know if I'm going to break any other workflows by changing how LCM is found.

PR the two SHA bumps and meanwhile I will look into the LCM issues.

director PR now merged, only the LCM issue should remain

Patch related to LCM merged, so I think we should be good now.