
🛠️ SLAM evaluation tool (supplement for EVO)

Primary LanguageC++

Evaluation tool (supplement for EVO)

This repository provides an extra evaluation tool for TextSLAM dataset, and serves as a supplement for EVO.

Project: TextSLAM: Visual SLAM with Semantic Planar Text Features

Authors: Boying Li, Danping Zou, Yuan Huang, Xinghan Niu, Ling Pei and Wenxian Yu.

🏠 [Project]   📝 [Paper]   🔥 [Code]   ➡️ [Dataset]

EVO does not automatically rectify the misalignment between the SLAM body frame and the ground-truth body, as shown in the figure. The misalignment leads to large RPE errors when directly using EVO for evaluation. We hence provide this tool to align the two body frames by an optimization that minimizes their orientation difference before EVO evaluation. Note that the misalignment does not affect APE results.

Misalignment issue when using EVO.

Our accompanying videos are now available on YouTube (click below images to open) and Bilibili1-outdoor, 2-night, 3-rapid.

video video video

⭐ Please consider citing the following papers in your publications if the project helps your works.

  title={TextSLAM: Visual SLAM with Semantic Planar Text Features},
  author={Li, Boying and Zou, Danping and Huang, Yuan and Niu, Xinghan and Pei, Ling and Yu, Wenxian},
  booktitle={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)},

  title={TextSLAM: Visual SLAM with Planar Text Features},
  author={Li, Boying and Zou, Danping and Sartori, Daniele and Pei, Ling and Yu, Wenxian},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},


  • Refer to EVO to install EVO.
  • Refer to Ceres to install Ceres in Linux.


Step1. Get EVO intermediate results:

python step1_evo_info.py -ref [ground_truth_name].txt -est [estimation_name].txt

You will get following files:


This step saves the intermediate results from the EVO evaluation process.
[estimation_name]_evoalign.txt is the estimated results after evo align process, which is equal to evo_ape/evo_rpe XXX -a -s.
[estimation_name]_evoalign_info.txt is the calculated transformation matrix: rotation matrix, translation vector, scale factor.
[estimation_name]_gt_sync.txt is the synchronized ground truth results according to input estimation results.

Step2. Get corrected GT for evaluation:

Build step2_align_R

cd step2_align_R
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j


./align_R [path_to_EVO_intermediate_results] [ground_truth_name].txt [estimation_name].txt

You will get following files:


This step saves the results after optimization.
[ground_truth_name]_optm.txt is the pose ground truth after rectifying the misalignment, the corrected GT for evaluation.
align_res.txt is the optimized transformation q for alignment.


The author thanks EVO for providing this convenient evaluation tool. The author thanks Ceres for providing this powerful optimization library.